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some suggestions
送交者: verven 2008月11月19日18:03:02 于 [高山流水] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 这是我对你的答复:春妮儿 于 2008-11-18 16:07:52
It was just my personal opinion. If it offended you, I feel sorry.
Of course, you can and you should create your own rendering when you cover a classical song. But, unfortunately, you used exactly the same music as Faye did. So, your version is not really a cover, but a karaoke song. Faye changed the music to fit her voice and style when she covered Teresa Teng's classicals. I suggest that you check out Elton John's 'Sacrifice' and Sinead O'Connor's cover on Youtube. Now, both become classical.
  hi, my friend, maybe you are - 石头 11/20/08 (132)
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