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Finally, something on contemporary music. Thank you !
送交者: bfbx 2005年06月28日19:43:31 於 [高山流水] 發送悄悄話

Got a feeling this forum is seriously out of touch with the real world, with suits the name of the forum very well I guess. Any how, like the subject, please write more !

I like his works too. Mostly his earlier works though. IMHO, he should stop producing music after the "If ever I lose my faith in you" album. His later works like "brand new day" are just plain boring.

"Every breath you take" is one of my all time favorites.

His best album is "nothing like the sun". Songs like "An Englishman in New York", "Fragile", "They dance along" are all great. I can understand why he left "The Police" for his own career.

"They dance along" is worth mentioning. Sting loves big subjects like world peace and human rights. In the same album he has another song "if the Russians love their Children too" which is anti cold war (yeah, that's before the fall of the Berlin wall). While this "They dance along" is a sad tribute to the vitims of the Pinochet dictatorship in Chile. Hundreds of people were abducted and exeucted secretly during the Pinochet regime ruling of Chile. And their women were later dancing on the streets with their loved ones' pictures. What a sad sight ! I have watched the MTV and it literally drove me to tears.

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