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IronWorker: wish 菱歌泛夜 merry Christmas
送交者: IronWorker 2005年12月17日06:13:07 於 [高山流水] 發送悄悄話

Today I have been listening to your songs I dug up from the archive of this forum. Although some of them are not working, I am still impressed with broad range of your repertoire, from the intimacy of "Evening Date" to the grandeur of "Road To Paradise", which you handled with such grace and beauty. Emmersing in your music, what a Friday afternoo it has been! Thank you.

Conclusion: 菱歌 is the pop singer #1 on Gao Shan.

Also, more frequent appearance, at your convenience of course, will be highly appreciated :-)

I wish you a merry Christmas,
I wish you a merry Christmas,
I wish you a merry Christmas, and
Happy New Year!

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