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【藍綠PK】絲竹悠悠:《Invisible Wings 》F40
送交者: 絲竹悠悠 2022年04月27日12:54:03 於 [高山流水] 發送悄悄話

Invisible Wings 


填詞:Oliva Ong

原唱:Oliva Ong



Here I am I`m always

trying to be strong

When I`m hurt

I won`t shed a tear

I`d rather sing a song

I will sing of a pair

of invisible wings

That will take

all my fears away

I won`t think about what others

have that I don`t

Coz` I see that I desire to

make this path my own

I`ll put on a pair

of invisible wings

And it will take me

to higher heights

I`ll take flight and there

I see my dreams

They lay ahead

And No longer will I be afraid

Close my eyes

And I can feel the winds

beneath my wings

It is the voice that will

carry me through

I have hope that I will find myself,

in a better place

You and I will take this journey

walking hand in hand

And I know I have a pair

of invisible wings

To guide me through this race

I`ll take flight and there

I see my dreams

They lay ahead

And No longer will I be afraid

Close my eyes

And I can feel the winds

beneath my wings

It is the voice that will

carry me through

All my hopes and dreams

shall be everlasting

As I take flight on invisible wings

    謝謝老貓的鼓勵!🙏  /無內容 - 絲竹悠悠 04/28/22 (39)
  這首歌唱得真不錯,第一次聽英文版,贊  /無內容 - 老地雷 04/27/22 (67)
    謝謝地雷姐鼓勵!🙏  /無內容 - 絲竹悠悠 04/28/22 (36)
  好唱 ~!  /無內容 - 歌哥 04/27/22 (74)
    謝謝歌哥鼓勵!🙏  /無內容 - 絲竹悠悠 04/28/22 (30)
    這是新加坡歌手王麗婷填詞的版本。謝謝喬治鼓勵!🙏  /無內容 - 絲竹悠悠 04/28/22 (30)
  新人厲害!好唱!  /無內容 - 老好人 04/27/22 (89)
    謝謝好人鼓勵!🙏  /無內容 - 絲竹悠悠 04/28/22 (36)
  英文版隱形翅膀第一次聽,很棒!  /無內容 - 葉雨㊣ 04/27/22 (70)
    謝謝葉雨鼓勵!🙏  /無內容 - 絲竹悠悠 04/28/22 (51)
  英文版的隱形的翅膀,演繹的動聽,贊!  /無內容 - gzzyy 04/27/22 (84)
    謝謝gzzyy鼓勵!🙏  /無內容 - 絲竹悠悠 04/28/22 (30)
  太棒了,應該是F(10+30)= F40 吧  /無內容 - 逍遙樂 04/27/22 (84)
    還不是很熟悉活動規則,謝謝美女提醒🙏  /無內容 - 絲竹悠悠 04/27/22 (78)
      俺“財迷”,分分計較。嘿嘿嘿  /無內容 - 逍遙樂 04/27/22 (84)
        呵呵,財迷,為這俺問了葉子多次,外語歌一首30  /無內容 - 老好人 04/27/22 (71)
  很棒!能唱外語歌的都牛!👍  /無內容 - santa999 04/27/22 (83)
    謝謝Santa 鼓勵🙏  /無內容 - 絲竹悠悠 04/27/22 (70)
  英文歌真棒👍👍!  /無內容 - 不列顛地主 04/27/22 (70)
    謝謝戲劇高手鼓勵🙏  /無內容 - 絲竹悠悠 04/27/22 (85)
  鏈接把我引到全民K歌了,好聽,贊  /無內容 - 小放 04/27/22 (93)
    手機上沒找到咋貼音頻文件,用了鏈接。謝謝聽歌🙏  /無內容 - 絲竹悠悠 04/27/22 (70)
  撞見老鄉,這首歌唱的好溫柔,獻花∠※∠※∠※  /無內容 - 琥珀之淚 04/27/22 (86)
    居然在這裡碰上了老鄉🌹謝謝鼓勵🙏  /無內容 - 絲竹悠悠 04/27/22 (65)
    是英文版的隱形的翅膀😁謝謝美女鼓勵🙏  /無內容 - 絲竹悠悠 04/27/22 (76)
  電腦無法看和聽,得貼個鏈接,:)))  /無內容 - 月亮花花 04/27/22 (87)
    加了鏈接了。請再試試  /無內容 - 高山流水版主 04/27/22 (90)
      謝謝版主幫忙轉成了音頻文件🙏  /無內容 - 絲竹悠悠 04/27/22 (80)
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