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【藍綠PK】老喬治 "Close to Me" M30
送交者: 老喬治 2022年05月01日12:01:14 於 [高山流水] 發送悄悄話

這是一首以德沃夏克交響樂改編的古典歌曲。伴奏是從Jose Carreras 原唱中消音後獲得。


When you stand close to me
There's a sweet mystery
And I know, yes I know
That this moment was meant to be
And the whole world can see
I am holding you close to me.

When you're there, near to me
There's a rare harmony
When your arms reach for mine
Then our world will begin to shine
Like the sun on the sea
When I'm holding you close to me.

Just the gentle touch, I love so much
Of your soft hands
A language no one understands
A language no one understands.
When you're here next to me
It is sheer ecstasy
When you lie by my side
Then my heart wants to run and hide
Let it burst wild and free
When I'm holding you close to me.

When you stand close to me
There's a sweet mystery
And I know, yes I know
That this moment was meant to be
And the whole world can see
I am holding you close to me.

  喬兄多才多藝,,英文歌也唱得好!👍  /無內容 - santa999 05/02/22 (36)
  好聽,喬治的歌很是儒雅,大讚!  /無內容 - 7↑8↓ 05/01/22 (32)
   喬治的英文歌唱得真棒!贊!  /無內容 - 小聲音 05/01/22 (55)
  嗓音優美,唱得好流暢!佩服!喜歡!  /無內容 - 娜佳醉倚聽音閣 05/01/22 (92)
  喬治唱的E歌都是我喜歡的:)好聽!  /無內容 - 水雲間 05/01/22 (37)
  英文歌曲唱得真好,折服!  /無內容 - 明歌 05/01/22 (28)
  nice singing!  /無內容 - 川江號子 05/01/22 (42)
  喬治的E歌唱的實在太好了!首首都聽了,好喜歡!  /無內容 - 茜西 05/01/22 (44)
  頂贊喬版E歌~~~  /無內容 - 北青 05/01/22 (49)
  消音伴奏很棒,喬治有歌劇氣質,好唱👍!  /無內容 - big-apple 05/01/22 (56)
  沒看到片片啊,贊喬老爺美聲好唱!  /無內容 - 一荷 05/01/22 (37)
  喬治兄會的E歌真多,唱得真好,令人陶醉。  /無內容 - 逍遙樂 05/01/22 (33)
  沉醉在喬大哥的歌聲里!  /無內容 - 葉雨㊣ 05/01/22 (56)
  古典音樂做底子的歌特別優雅, 老喬治更是駕馭得遊刃有餘!  /無內容 - Serena藕花深處 05/01/22 (65)
    +  /無內容 - 歌哥 05/01/22 (35)
  非常好聽,熱烈鼓掌!  /無內容 - gzzyy 05/01/22 (54)
  》哥們加油,E歌好聽!鼓掌喝彩!  /無內容 - 傑克_JK 05/01/22 (60)
  給喬兄喝彩!歌劇音樂很耐聽。  /無內容 - 不列顛地主 05/01/22 (64)
  老喬治會的E歌真多,佩服,金鼎! - 月亮花花 05/01/22 (82)
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