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高歌低吟I wonder who's kissing her
送交者: 高歌低吟 2022年10月09日07:22:53 於 [高山流水] 發送悄悄話


I wonder who's kissing her now, Wonder who's showing her how? Wonder who's looking in to her eyes? Breathing sighs! Telling lies! I wonder who's buying the wine? For lips that I used to call mine, Wonder if she ever tells him of me? I wonder who's kissing her now? **In 1909, Harold Orlob composed the song when he worked for Music Publishers Company which was owned by Joseph Howard. As was customary at that time, the copyright of the song was given to the publisher. For many years Howard maintained that he was the sole composer. In 1947 the film "I Wonder Who's Kissing Her Now", which was about Howard, was released. Orlob sued to have himself declared as the real composer. Orlob did not ask for any monetary damages. An out-of-court agreement was reached, in which Joe Howard and Harold Orlob were credited as co-composers. Orlob received no financial restitution.

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