接受國際捐款的目前有:中國、香港、加拿大紅十字會;MercyCorps,China Tomorrow,The Salvation Army。對於在美國的捐款人,Mercy Corps,China Tomorrow,The Salvation Army都是可以tax deductible,而且也比較方便快捷。詳情如下。
Mercy Corp的救災支出 / 捐款總額是89%。 意為捐出的100美元里89美元是被用在救災上的.
相比China Tomorrow 2006 Financial Statement 這裡, 他們收到了173099美元, 只有105492美元用了出去, 剩下的全部stockpiled 在這個機構里, 捐款使用率只有61%。
接受國外的信用卡, 但是要加收3%的手續費, 不要管什麼幣種, 最後都是按人民幣收的。
Something about Tzu-chi from a Cisco employee:
My understanding is money collected would then be wired to China. This organization would put 100% of your money in relief effort. Tzu-chi passes every penny you give to the victims without taking out administrative cost. All onsite volunteers have to pay their own way to get to the disaster location. Looks like they have some local office in Chengdu that is helping out with relief effort.
一位 拉拉隊員 是 慈濟 的長期 義工, 也證實了這一點