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When You Say Nothing At All
送交者: 春妮兒 2009年01月29日14:10:24 於 [高山流水] 發送悄悄話
When You Say Nothing At All 真令人驚異 你可以一語說中我的心事 it's amazing how you can speak right to my heart 不需要任何語言 你能成為黑暗中的光明 without saying a word you can light up the dark 試着解釋我無法解釋的 try as i may i can never explain 你不說話時我依然能明白 what i hear when you don't say a thing 你臉上的笑容告訴我你需要我 the smile on your face lets me know that you need me 在你眼中有一份真誠告訴我你永遠不會離開我 there's a truth in your eyes saying you'll never leave me 你輕觸的手在說當我摔到你會把我接住 the touch of your hand says you'll catch me wherever i fall 當你不說話的時候 你表達的最清楚 you say it best when you say nothing at all 每一天我聽到人群大聲談論 all day long i can hear people talking out loud 但是你近距離的擁抱 淹沒了吵雜的人群 but when you hold me near you drown the crowd 試着解釋 卻永遠無法定義 Old Mr. Webster could never define 那些我們心的悄悄話 what's been said between your heart and mine 你臉上的笑容告訴我你需要我 the smile on your face lets me know that you need me 在你眼中有一份真誠告訴我你永遠不會離開我 there's a truth in your eyes saying you'll never leave me 你輕觸的手在說當我摔到你會把我接住 the touch of your hand says you'll catch me wherever i fall 當你不說話的時候 你表達的最清楚 you say it best when you say nothing at all 你臉上的笑容告訴我你需要我 the smile on your face lets me know that you need me 在你眼中有一份真誠告訴我你永遠不會離開我 there's a truth in your eyes saying you'll never leave me 你輕觸的手在說當我摔到你會把我接住 the touch of your hand says you'll catch me wherever i fall 當你不說話的時候 你表達的最清楚 you say it best when you say nothing at all
  感謝大家的捧場!!!!!!  /無內容 - 春妮兒 02/02/09 (155)
  妮子專業演唱沒說的!欣賞!!!  /無內容 - 北雁南飛 02/01/09 (183)
  妮兒的E歌真是唱得得心應手,自然流暢,真好!  /無內容 - emory854 02/01/09 (178)
  絕美的演唱!牛贊春妮兒~~~  /無內容 - 北青 02/01/09 (132)
  金鼎春妮美唱!  /無內容 - humm 02/01/09 (180)
  A nice country song! good sing  /無內容 - newmic2 02/01/09 (240)
  叫好~~~~~~~~~  /無內容 - 譚韻英風 02/01/09 (167)
  Outstanding work!  /無內容 - 劍寧 02/01/09 (126)
  妮子的歌細緻入微,太有才了。  /無內容 - 石竹花 01/31/09 (180)
  迷人的歌聲,悅耳動聽 - 點綴 01/30/09 (150)
  謝謝大家!!!!!晚安!  /無內容 - 春妮兒 01/30/09 (144)
  amazing,昏了!  /無內容 - firelight 01/30/09 (134)
  It's amazing, So good!^_^  /無內容 - 游鳳老農 01/29/09 (225)
  鄉村難得的味道....  /無內容 - 還馬馬虎虎 01/29/09 (165)
    啥時向你學習小品啊?!  /無內容 - 春妮兒 01/31/09 (176)
  金牛頂!  /無內容 - 碧水青山 01/29/09 (133)
  再聽再頂!  /無內容 - 雲光 01/29/09 (160)
  磁性的聲音,謝春妮兒。  /無內容 - 一唱 01/29/09 (155)
  春妮兒的E歌唱得沒說的!真是好!  /無內容 - 夢萍韻 01/29/09 (178)
  沙發!很準的發音,亮麗的演繹。鼎!  /無內容 - 哇哩哇啦 01/29/09 (140)
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