I'm turning 40 on November 14! This year I'm donating to a good cause: Save Chinese Children (OSCCF).This is why i care about this cause: 奶奶在40歲時因為不堪生活重負,割腕自殺離開人世,留下了兩個孤兒。在社會大家庭的關懷中,在自己的不懈努力下,他們相繼成家立業,過上了還算好的生活。現在我也步入不惑之年。Women dont celebrate their birthdays after certain ages, but this year is so special, because 我竟然會在facebook上與osccf的這群了不起的有着特殊使命的志願者們再次相遇,非常興奮!這真是一個突如其來的好機會,能夠讓我不惑之年的第一個生日過得最有意義。
同時,I believe my life and my child's life will be changed forever, to even better, by supporting OSCCF to help change lives of those many children in my homecountry。贈人玫瑰手有餘香。LOVE NEVER FAILS! 大愛無邊!謝謝歌友們的關注,和慷慨解囊!