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送交者: 陽光貓 2012年04月20日12:33:22 於 [高山流水] 發送悄悄話

My Ideal Lover

I followed you like a rainbow of peace
A long way across the sky;
I followed you like a friendly face
of the night under a veil.
And you feel it in the light, in the air,
In the scent of the flowers;
And the solitary room was full of you,
of your splendors.
Captivated by you,
by the sound of your voice
A long time I dreamed,
and all the worry of the earth, every cross
In that day is forgotten.
Return, beloved ideal,
Return for an instant.
Give me a smile again,
and to me the sparkle of your countenance
will be a new dawn.
... a new dawn.

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