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苏曼《苏曼的夜晚》专辑之《夜晚》与《Indescribable Night》
送交者: 一唱 2008年10月14日19:49:33 于 [高山流水] 发送悄悄话
苏曼的《苏曼的夜晚》这个专辑中有两首原创曲:《水乡》和《蓝色》,而《夜晚》是这个专辑中的一首翻唱曲,原曲名《Indescribable Night》。 《夜晚》 演唱:苏曼 听风儿正轻轻的拂过窗台 看月光倦悄悄的挥洒下来 这静谧的夜和这无眠的夜 不经意又思念满载 听你我的邂逅是上苍安排 在繁星下背对背时光太快 那温暖的夜和那难忘的夜 是永恒他偎在你怀 indescribable night indescribable night indescribable night i miss you 不明白温柔的你脾气真坏 终有天稍瘦的你说要离开 那清冷的夜和那哀伤的夜 才知道你情感伤害 indescribable night indescribable night indescribable night 走出了房间默默来到门外 桃花依旧盛开而你已不在 这悠长的夜和这心痛的夜 我轻声呼唤你回来 indescribable night indescribable night indescribable night indescribable night indescribable night indescribable night indescribable night indescribable night indescribable night i miss you 《Indescribable Night》 演唱:Kate St. John A veil has lifted that shrouded my eyes The folds that lay over me no longer lie Your infinity is revealed to me It shines in your infinite smile It was like a gift floating down through the dark A dove finding rest in the leaves of my heart A feeling inside, an invisible guide Had shown me a way to survive Indescribable night Indescribable night Indescribable night Is it you? You and me in the circle of everyday life Climbing through moments of death and delight Now I’ve found my good night in the spiral of light That shines in your intimate smile Indescribable night Indescribable night Indescribable night Sailor oh sailor won’t you be proud To now find a light in the deadliest cloud The wisdom you’ve found, a surrendering sound Sings through the surrendering night Indescribable night Indescribable night Indescribable night Is it you?
  这首歌还是让齐豫来唱吧:) - 黄衫客 10/15/08 (284)
    哈,没想到齐豫真唱了这首歌,可惜 - 黄衫客 10/15/08 (195)
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