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送交者: 文字狱牢头 2005年05月08日13:54:10 于 [高山流水] 发送悄悄话

既然 Donjuan 朋友收有了超過三十款的 Brahms 小提琴協奏曲版本, 那就讓 Patzak 聊聊一些較罕有之版本吧! : )

一位台灣朋友寫著: “.....Szigeti 還有另一張同曲目PHILIPS(JP)發行...不是MONO滴感觸應該會更深,要不要試試?”

這一張日本版 Philips 的正價 CD, 恰好 Patzak 手上剛好就擁有. 那可是當年付出了高昂之金額而拿下的.

這個 Joseph Szigeti 專輯系列其實十分丰富, CD 封套是一樣之設計, 僅以不同顏色作識別, 樸實大方!

Brahms Violin Concerto / London Symphony Orchestra / Herbert Menges Beethoven
Violin Concerto / London Symphony Orchestra / Antal Dorati
Prokofiev Violin Concerto / London Symphony Orchestra / Herbert Menges
Brahms Horn Trio in E flat / Sonata No.2 / Barrows, horn Horszowski, piano
Prokofiev Violin Sonatas No.1 & No.2 / Arthur Balsam , Piano
Stravinsky Duo Concertante / Roy Bogas, piano
Honegger/Webern/Debussy/Ives Sonatas / Roy Bogas, piano

其實 Joseph Szigeti 這些晚期錄音, 並非 Philips 原始之制作, 是來自鼎鼎大名的 Mercury 公司的! : )

Patzak強烈推荐眾樂友仔細看看這篇 "50 Years Living Presence: 1951-2001"-------Wilma Cozart Fine is Mercury , 便可清晰了解 Mercury 之威力! http://www.xs4all.nl/~rabruil/mercury.html

另一款較罕有之 Brahms 小提琴協奏曲版本, 那就要回到 Donjuan 朋友仍然在尋覓的 Arthur Grumiaux / Eduard van Beinum 版本了! : )

這是由 Philips 錄制和發行的, 時間是 1958 年 7 月 1-5 日, 地點是荷蘭的 Amsterdam, 樂隊嘛, 當然亦是 "他的" Concertgebouw Orchestra! http://classicalcdreview.com/evb.html Patzak 手上是一張 Philips 再版 LP , 編號是 6570 015 与 Arthur Grumiaux 後期的版本比較 ( New Philharmonia Orchestra / Colin Davis ), 同樣是采用了 Joachim 的華彩樂段, 全曲速度拿捏也相差不遠.

1/. Allegro non troppo (cadenza: Joseph Joachim) ( 21'40")( 22'35" )
2/. Adagio (8'40")(8'40")
3/. Allegro giocoso, ma non troppo vivace - Poco piu presto ( 7'45" )( 8'02" )

但 Eduard van Beinum 棒下的 Concertgebouw Orchestra, 乾淨利落, 嚴密緊湊, 無論弦樂或管樂 ( Adagio 開首樂節中該樂團首席雙簧管之演繹, 令人有不知人間何世之感!!!) 都遠優於這隊 New Philharmonia Orchestra ! Patzak 希望Donjuan 朋友可以快些覓得此片, 便可親自品味了! : )

Patzak (2003-03-27 14:47:06)

000 (2003-03-27 21:29:13) No.14

与“Grumiaux 那甜而不膩之琴音”相似,Sarah Francis的管声,亦是甜而不腻。

Sarah Francis曾师从 Pierre Pierlot,任皇家音乐学院教授,伦敦大键琴合奏团指挥。她生长在伦敦的一个音乐之家,父亲(John Francis)是长笛手,母亲(Millicent Silver)是著名的大键琴演奏者。

在 Hyperion CDH55080这张唱片,莫扎特那首协奏曲,Sarah Francis参照其长笛协奏曲,做了一些小改动,使之更接近小莫的风格。克罗默尔的2首,曲子极其出色,其演奏也是一点儿不含糊。她的管声,音色清纯、干净、欢畅,带有轻快、优美的弹跳感,别有一番仙女下凡之风情。其吹奏,气流不是很冲,但气息细长,换气十分自然,时机颇为合适(听不到任何呼吸声),口型、舌位、指法配合默契,控制力相当完美。 俺认为,克罗默尔的2首双簧管协奏曲,听起来似不逊于莫扎特的那首。此碟把这3曲放在一起,非常有见识,也相当合适。


donjuan (2003-03-28 05:44:08) No.15

Thanks Patzak's de????ion of Arthur Grumiaux / Eduard van Beinum' Brahms VCT. I definitely will look carefully to dig it out some day!

By the way, the link you porvided is wonderful, very in????ative! Gracious!


美成 (2003-03-28 09:07:35) No.16

Patzak先生提到的“另一款較罕有之Brahms小提琴協奏曲版本, ”,即Arthur Grumiaux / Eduard van Beinum 版本,我正好手头有,是我在1989年购买的一盘CrO磁带,录制的公司、乐队、指挥的名字以及录音地点与Patzak先生所言无二。质量非常好,但原来并不知道这是罕见版本,看来我拣了个便宜啊。


Patzak (2003-03-28 11:04:53) No.17

Patzak 想對那張 Philips 日版 Joseph Szigeti 專輯 CD , 再作一些補充.

Brahms Violin Concerto / Joseph Szigeti / London Symphony Orchestra / Herbert Menges

錄製之時候及地點分別是 1959年3月, 倫敦.

唱片編號為 Philips 32CD-3040 Joseph Szigeti 的華彩樂段, 亦是采用 Joachim 的. 而全曲之時間亦較 Arthur Grumiaux 為長, 特別是其慢版樂章:
1/. Allegro non troppo (cadenza: Joseph Joachim) ( 22'45" )
2/. Adagio (9'51")
3/. Allegro giocoso, ma non troppo vivace - Poco piu presto ( 8'10" )

而值得再提一下就是指揮的英國指揮 Herbert Menges (1902-1972), 他來自一個充滿藝術氣氛的家庭, 父親和大姊都是著名的小提琴家, 特別是那位女士 Isolde Menges (1893-1976), 相信一些愛鑽研歷史小提琴家技藝的朋友不會陌生的. 她的有趣故事, 有空再聊. 先回到 Herbert Menges 身上: )

以往 Patzak 在搜集 LP 之時, 經常會收到 Herbert Menges 的唱片, 但出奇地, 所有作品都是一些協奏曲曲目的, 從未見過他有別的樂曲的錄音, 有趣嗎? 而与他合作的這個獨奏家名單, 是相當之星光熠熠的:

鋼琴 : Solomon , Byron Janis , Shura Cherkassky, Moura Lympany , Jacques Abram
弦樂: Joseph Szigeti , Paul Tortelier

其中与傳奇鋼琴家 Solomon 的製作, 最為樂迷之稱頌!

............Herbert Menges, conductor , pianist and composer, was born in Hove on 27 August 1902. He was educated at the Royal College of Music where he studied with Holst and Vaughan Williams. He became the leader of the Brighton Society of Symphonic Players. The group later became the Brighton Philharmonic Society. Menges also composed music and conducted for the Old Vic Theatre where he became music director in 1931. He wrote the music for all of Shakespeare's plays per????ed at the theatre. He died in London on 20 February 1972........

.........Herbert Menges (1902-72) falls into the "holiday orchestra" group because he founded the Brighton Philharmonic Orchestra (later styled Southern Philharmonic) and directed it from 1925 to 1972, though he also conducted much in London theatres, notably at the Old Vic and Sadlers Wells and composed music for many of the Shakespeare plays put on at the ????er. His score for Gordon Daviot’s celebrated play Richard of Bordeaux was a delicate one, for just harp, flute and strings. He published some songs including Buckland Bells, The Little Seamstress and, with violin accompaniment, Silence, Beautiful Voice. He was one of many English composers to study at the RCM with Vaughan Williams and Holst..........

摘自 SOME BRITISH CONDUCTOR-COMPOSERS ( P. L. Scowcroft rev February 1990 and February 1994/July 1997 ) http://www.musicweb.uk.net/scowcroft/Composerconductors.htm


Patzak (2003-03-28 17:50:40) No.19


先列出一大堆曾灌制 " 布拉姆斯小提琴協奏曲" 錄音之小提琴家的名字, 詳細之情況就邊寫邊增訂, Patzak 歡迎眾樂友對這單子加以添補, 謝謝! : )

Michèle Auclair
Salvatore Accardo
Karin Adam
Boris Belkin
Joshua Bell
Pavel Berman
Siegfried Borries
Busch, Adolf
Kyung-Wha Chung
Jan Czerkow
Christian Ferras
Carl Flesch
Zino Francescatti
Arthur Grumiaux
Ida Haendel
Hilary Hahn
Jascha Heifetz
Ulf Hoelscher
Václav Hudecek
Nigel Kennedy
Leonid Kogan
Herman Krebbers
Fritz Kreisler
Gidon Kremer
Tasmin Little
Johanna Martzy
Yehudi Menuhin
Nathan Milstein
Solomo Mintz
Lydia Mordkovitch
Erica Morini
Anne-Sophie Mutter
Ginette Neveu
Takako Nishizaki
David Oistrakh
Raphael Oleg,
Elmar Oliveira
Itzhak Perlman
Ossy Renardy
Ruggerio Ricci
Aaron Rosand
Nadja Salerno-Sonnenberg
Benjamin Schmid
Walther Schneiderhan
Wolfgang Schneiderhan
Gil Shaham,
Dmitri Sitkovetsky
Albert Spaulding
Isaac Stern
Henryk Szeryng
Joseph Szigeti
Jacques Thibaud
Roman Totenberg
Viktor Tretyakov
Hideko Udagawa
Uto Ughi
Borika Van Den Booren
Vengerov, Maxim
Xue Wei
Thomas Zehetmair
Frank Peter Zimmermann
Pinchas Zukerman

許多小提琴家都有超一個甚至兩三個不同時期的版本錄音, 所以準確的數目是相當難於一下子統計和整理的. http://www.arkivmusic.com/classical/albumList.jsp?nammp_id=524&genre=1&bcorder=195


Patzak (2003-03-29 17:29:36) No.20

上面眾多小提琴家之中, Patzak 大膽說一句, "Korsakov" 恐怕沒有太多朋友會認識的. 他究底是誰? 而這張 Brahms Violin Concerto 唱片, 又有何來歷? : )

事實上, 雖然這是由 DGG 制作和出版, 但卻是一張發行量不大的唱片, 因為它只算是比利時 Queen Elisabeth Music Competition 的一項副產物.

年青的蘇聯小提琴手 Andrei Korsakov (1946-1991) 當年曾在這項賽事中獲獎, 所以這才有機會得到 DGG 青睞, 在西方灌錄和發行這張編號為 2538 323 的 LP. 而協奏的樂隊, 就是 Grand Orchestre Symphonique de la BRT (Radio Télévision Belge ) 和它的音樂總監 René Defossez . 因為 Patzak 手上收有少量 René Defossez 在 DGG 這個時期的 LP, 所以略知一些個中之因由!

而我們在下面這個位於荷蘭, 專售二手 LP 的網上商店 "Clean record shop", 就剛好可以見到這張荷蘭版 LP 的封套剪影! 眾友只要在 http://www.cleanrecord.com/ 鍵入 Brahms, 便可以搜索此唱片出來了.

下面是一些搜索回來, 有關 Korsakov 的生平和經歷資料:


Andrei Korsakov (1946-1991)

The artistic director of "CONCERTINO" ( The ensemble of the Moscow State Philharmonic Society )

.................he was awarded the title of People's artist of the Russian Federation. and the Bruxelles E.Izai foundation medal. He was a prizewinner of international competitions: of Paganini in Genoa, in Montreal, of M.Longue and J.Tibot in Paris, of Queen Elizabeth in Bruxelles, of Tchaikovsky in Moscow.

"Korsakov's technique can be compared with that of Heifitz. He can do everything, but it's more amazing that it goes with surprising equanimity and absence of any pose.../"Telegraph", Holland/.

"Andrew Korsakov offered his interpretation of the Tchaikovsky concerto, that was fascinating from the very first to the very last notes. It was a ravishing concert" /"Gazette", Canada/.

"Andrew Korsakov turned his debut in Vienna into a real feast" /"Courier", Austria/.

"Andrew Korsakov is a genuine musician. Perfect attitude, wonderful style, staggering depth of the feeling"/ "Dernier Heure", Belgium/.

http://hometown.aol.com/moscowconcertino/myhomepage/tunes.html http://www.sungjulee.com/review/abroad/1980.htm


Anyone here can tell me something about Andrei Korsakov, Russian violinist (1946-1991). I just found this 2nd hand Melodia CD 'Fantasias and Pieces for Violin'. His playing in Zimbalist's Fantasia on Rossini's Otello, Castelnuovo-Tedesco's amazing, sometimes (in the finale) futuristic Concert Tran????ion on Rossini's Il Barbiere, Tchaikovsky's op.42, 1 and 3, a.o. left me chained to my earphones. Is there anything available from Korsakov in 'normal' repertoire?

..............according to the liner notes from Russian CD 10010, Andrei Korsakov was a graduate of the Moscow Conservatory having studied with Boris Belenky and Leonid Kogan. He won a prizes while a student at a Paganini, Thibaud, and Montreal competitions and at the Tchaikovsky and Queen Elizabeth (Belgium) competitions after graduation. From 1981 until his death he was artistic director and first violinist of the Concertino Chamber Ensemble in Moscow and was on the faculty of the Moscow Conservatory. The Russian Disc contains the Khatchaturian Concert-Rhapsody in B-flat minor (no, this is not the Khatchaturian Violin Concerto), the Conus Violin Concerto, and the Frolov Concert Fantasy on themes from Porgy and Bess. I'd hardly describe these as "normal" repertoire, but there you have it.


donjuan (2003-03-29 19:10:37) No.21

Patzak, what a wonderful list! After a little check of my collections, here is how I categorized them:

Not familiar ( most of them I have no clue :-( ):
Michèle Auclair, Karin Adam, Boris Belkin, Pavel Berman, Siegfried Borries, Jan Czerkow, Carl Flesch, Ulf Hoelscher, Václav Hudecek,Korsakov, Johanna Martzy, Rapha?l Oleg, Elmar Oliveira, Benjamin Schmid,Walther Schneiderhan, Albert Spaulding, Roman Totenberg ,Viktor Tretyakov, Hideko Udagawa, Uto Ughi Borika,Van Den Booren

Heard in other works but not in this work:
Salvatore Accardo, Adolf Busch, Zino Francescatti, Solomo Mintz Lydia Mordkovitch, Ruggerio Ricci, Aaron Rosand,Nadja Salerno-Sonnenberg, Wolfgang Schneiderhan,Jacques Thibaud, Xue Wei

Heard at least once but don't have the disk:
Joshua Bell, Nigel Kennedy, Takako Nishizaki, Gil Shaham, Dmitri Sitkovetsky, Thomas Zehetmair, Frank Peter Zimmermann

Have at least one disc in this work:
Kyung-Wha Chung (1) Christian Ferras (1) Arthur Grumiaux (1) Ida Haendel (1) Hilary Hahn (1) Jascha Heifetz (2) Leonid Kogan (3) Herman Krebbers (1) Fritz Kreisler (1) Gidon Kremer (2) Tasmin Little (1) Yehudi Menuhin (1) Nathan Milstein (3) Erica Morini (1) Anne-Sophie Mutter (2) Ginette Neveu (1) David Oistrakh (3) Itzhak Perlman (2) Ossy Renardy (1) Isaac Stern (1) Henryk Szeryng (1) Joseph Szigeti (1) Vengerov, Maxim (1) Pinchas Zukerman (1)

Although I have no intention to be a completist, and yet I am definitely going to get:
Solomo Mintz/Abbado, Gil Shaham/Abbado (hopefully in SACD)

Aslo am interested to get more different verions:
Kyung-Wha Chung(Hopefully in DVD, I was told there is one braodcast with her in top ????.) Arthur Grumiaux, Herman Krebbers, David Oistrakh, Henryk Szeryng,

Somewhat insterested to hear whenever available inexpensively:
Salvatore Accardo, Adolf Busch, Zino Francescatti, Lydia Mordkovitch, Ruggerio Ricci, Aaron Rosand Nadja Salerno-Sonnenberg, Wolfgang Schneiderhan Jacques Thibaud, Uto Ughi,


Patzak (2003-03-31 10:38:16) No.22

Donjuan 朋友, 有關法蘭西女小提琴家 Michèle Auclair 之技藝, 請參看 Patzak 和樂友的一些舊帖: http://www.bh2000.net/bbs/all/result.php?boy=1+Auclair ============================================

Patzak (2002-03-11 11:08:57) No.7

女小提琴家 Michèle Auclair ( 1924- , 相信許多樂友未曾听過她的琴藝. 但她1950 年在 Kurt W?ss 棒下拉奏的 Tchaikovsky Violin concerto , 是我多年來最合脾胃的演奏之一: 急驟而不狂野, 情深而不沉溺, 靜若處子, 動若脫兔, 既有纖幼溫柔, 又有雄邁豪情. 雖然後來 Michèle Auclair 曾替別的唱片公司, 重錄了兩次 Tchaikovsky Violin concerto , 但她這個 26 歲留下的 Remington R-199-20 錄音, 是無与倫比的.

我手上並非初版印制的版本, 今回得見此原裝正版, 心中的喜悅, 是難以言說的!!! http://www.xs4all.nl/~rabruil/remaucl.html

而上面文章亦提到 Michèle Auclair 曾在法國的唱片公司 Erato, 有一套Schubert's complete works for violin and piano, 彈鋼琴的是 Genevieve Joy-Dutilleux , 真希望以後有機會可以碰到這個錄音.

另外, 還有一個當年極具參考性的版本 : Igor Stravinsky's "L'histoire du soldat" ( 士兵的故事 ), 這是一張 VOX 老版唱片 PL 7960 , 合作者是法國殿堂級管樂大師 Fernand Oubradous 与及他的 Oubradous Chamber Orchestra. 這張甚具價值的唱片封套, 亦可以讓我們看到呢! : )

Patzak (2002-03-12 17:47:19) 共有0条回复

在昨天談過的法國女小提琴家 Michèle Auclair 的專頁, 發現一個不錯的銜接 "The World Violinist Links" : http://www2.osk.3web.ne.jp/%7Ewistaria/violinists.htm

雖然並不是最齊全的資料庫, 但一些較冷門的小提琴家, 亦可以看到. 推介給喜歡這方面題材的樂友. 我特別向您們推荐看看 Albert Spalding ( 1888-1953 ) 的專頁 http://www.netway.com/~martis/Albert_Spalding.htm

Luoshu (2002-09-17 22:39:00) No.3

关于这套Schubert的小提琴与钢琴作品录音,我很喜欢。首先是音乐本身好。我过去听得不多,现在都有点奇怪,这么美的作品何以录音版本不多呢?至于演奏,我觉得很活泼,灵动。Auclair是巴黎音乐学院的教授,不知Genevieve Joy是不是也是。反正我觉得钢琴伴奏得太美了,很多地方给我以Francois的感觉,但又比Francois要明朗。我觉得两位演奏家把Schubert法国化了,不过我喜欢。


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