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獅子頭: 莫扎特的A大調單簧管協奏曲還被改編為通俗歌曲
送交者: 獅子頭 2005年06月03日08:09:33 於 [高山流水] 發送悄悄話

莫扎特的A大調單簧管協奏曲還被改編為通俗歌曲“Hopeloos En Verloren” ("Stay With Me Till The Morning" in English)

歌曲舒緩悠揚,甜美中略帶一絲哀愁,配上歌手比利時著名歌手Dana Winner清澈純淨的嗓音和細膩溫柔的弦樂、明亮華麗的管樂,使之成為一首動人的經典歌曲.



Dawn breaks above the neon lights
Soon the day desolves the night
Warm, the sheets caress
My emptiness, as you leave
Laying here in the afterglow
Tears in spite of all I know
Cries of foolish sin
I can't give in, can't you see
Though you want to stay
You're gone before the day
I never say those words, how could I

Stay with me 'til the morning

I've walked the streets alone before
Safe I'm locked behind my door
Strong in my belief
No joy or grief touches me
But when you close your eyes
It's then I realise
There's nothing left to prove, so darling

Stay with me 'til the morning

When you close your eyes
It's then I realise
Ihere's nothing left to prove, so darling

Stay with me 'til the morning
Stay with me 'til the morning

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