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feiyang: Lady Studust-- by Lisa Miskovsky
送交者: feiyang 2005年06月22日08:29:00 于 [高山流水] 发送悄悄话

"Lady Studust" Lyrics

Stardust, Lady Stardust spread your hair across your universe of magic,
let us in.
Let’s fly into the milky-way, climb these concrete walls and say don’t ever close us in.
Like every city needs a distance,
every sky demands a moon,
every winter needs a snowfall,
every summer wants a June.
Money is just a piece of paper,
gold is blinding – don’t you see.
Fame is just our own illusion, of what life is meant to be.
But I don’t need a perfect mirror, I don’t care for queens and kings.
We are free and we are perfect, when Lady Stardust sings…

Play on………

Oh, Lady Stardust sing. Play on…
Lady Stardust sing

Stardust, Lady Stardust let us cruise around your universe of magic – I’m in.
Let’s play this song, on and on, until the dawn and never let them win.
‘and every minute needs the hour, every day demands a night, every giant supernova hits the city with your light.
Movie-stars and grand directors, silver screens and MTV’s, gods and angels all around me fills the air like little bees.
I don’t need no superheroes, I don’t care for gods with wings, I hear teardrops on the pavement when Lady Stardust sings….Play on.

Lady Stardust sing, Play on….
Lady Stardust sing…

And I don’t need no superheroes, I don’t care for gods with wings, I hear teardrops on the pavement when Lady Stardust sings….oh Lady stardust sing..lady stardust sing.

Na, na, na ,na ,na, now she sings
Na, na, na ,na ,na, now she sings
Na, na, na ,na, I’ll sing for you.
I’ll sing this song, so please hold on,
I’ll sing this song for you and say something that matters ..and say something that matters.
Try to say something that matters to you, so please hold on.
Try to say something that matters

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