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"the hunter" -- by Jennifer Warnes
送交者: feiyang 2005年06月23日04:33:24 於 [高山流水] 發送悄悄話

"The Hunter" is one of my favorite CD of Jennifer Warnes, enjoy "the hunter" of this CD.

Lyrics of "the hunter"

Come on over,
my sporting friend,
bring your favourite weapon,
show me how you make your mark,
from the whistle in the wind through the center in the heart,

The moon is full,
the night is clear,
hunting season is drawing near,
show me how you claim your crowd,
pull the arrow back, take one down and,

maybe tonight, maybe you'll show
what you feel, behind your bow and,
maybe I'll go hunting too, down in the valley with you!

I wonder where you hide, you ark,
wait for signals in the dark,
my aim is pretty good, I'm as quite as a deer in the wood.

maybe tonight, maybe you'll show
what you feel, behind your bow and,
maybe I'll go hunting too, down in the valley with you!

Close your eyes, count to ten,
you never know, you never know,
you never know when, you never know,

maybe tonight, maybe you'll show
what you feel, behind your bow and,
maybe I'll go hunting too, down in the valley with you!

So bring this famous trick you do,
bring your arrow, bring your gun
and bring the ache that burns right through,
gonna find out who, is the hunted one,

maybe tonight, maybe you'll show
what you feel, behind your bow and,
maybe I'll go hunting too, down in the valley with you!

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