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feiyang: Late Night Moods
送交者: feiyang 2005年06月24日09:24:01 于 [高山流水] 发送悄悄话

Here are two songs picked from CD “Late Night Moods”, enjoy!

Have a nice weekend!

18. Air – “Cherry Blossom Girl”


I don’t want to be shy
Can’t stand it anymore
I just want to say "Hi"
To the one I love

Cherry Blossom Girl

I feel sick all day long
From not being with you
I just want to go out
Every night for a while

Cherry Blossom Girl

Tell me why can’t it be true

I never talk to you
People say that I should
I can pray everyday
For the moment to come

Cherry Blossom Girl

I just want to be sure
When I will come to you
When the time will be gone
You will be by my side

Cherry Blossom Girl

Tell me why can’t it be true X2

Cherry Blossom Girl X2

I’ll never love again
Can I say that to you
Will you run away
If I try to be true

Cherry Blossom Girl

Cherry Blossom Girl
I’ll always be there for you
That means no time to waste
Whenever there’s a chance
Cherry blossom girl

Tell me why can’t it be true X2

9. Earth, Wind & Fire - "After The Love Has Gone"


For awhile to love was all we could do
we were young and we knew
and our eyes were alive
Deep inside we knew our love was true
For awhile we paid no mind to the past
we knew love would last
Ev'ry night somethin' right
would invite us to begin the dance

Somethin' happened along the way
what used to be happy was sad
Somethin' happened along the way
and yesterday was all we had
And oh after the love has gone
how could you lead me on
and not let me stay around
Oh oh oh afterthe love has gone
what used to be right is wrong
Can love that's lost be found

For awhile to love each other with all
we would ever need
Love was strong for so long
never knew that what was
wrong oh baby wasn't right
We tried to find what we had
till sadness was all we shared
We were scared this affair would lead our love into
Somethin' happened along the way
yesterday was all we had
Somethin' happened along the way
what used to be happy is sad

Somethin' happened along the way
oh yesterday was all we had
And oh after the love has gone
how could you lead me on
and not let me stay around
Oh oh oh after the love has gone
what used to be right is wrong
Can love that's lost be found

Oh oh oh oh oh oh after the love has gone
what used to be right is wrong
Can love that's lost be found
Oh woh woh after the love has gone
what used to be right is wrong
Can love that's lost be found

Oh woh woh after the love has gone
what used to be right is wrong
Can love that's lost be found
Oh woh woh
Oh woh woh after the love has gone
what used to be right is wrong
Can love that's lost be found

Woh woh woh after the love has gone
what used to be right is wrong
Can love that's lost be found
Woh woh woh

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