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You are welcome!
送交者: feiyang 2005年06月29日07:53:59 于 [高山流水] 发送悄悄话

I am glad you enjoy Sting’s songs. He is one of my favourite singers as well. In my opinion, his voice is the best in the late 80s and early 90s. I love "They Dance Alone" and "Fragile" a lot, which always drive me to tears.

I agree with you, “Nothing like the sun” is truly a masterpiece. My whole heart is drowned in Sting's sea of emotion whenever I listen to his CD. His songs are too beautiful and gorgeous to describe in words.

By the way, there are many pop songs on this website. Some friends share their own songs, you can find here:


For contemporary music, review here:



I have posted some songs here. You can search it, and I hope you could find someting you like.

Surely, it seems that friends here enjoy classical music more. Since it is forum for music, there should be no limits.

Have a wonderful day!

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