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feiyang推荐:Yes Sir, I can boogie
送交者: feiyang 2005年07月04日05:09:53 于 [高山流水] 发送悄悄话

"Yes Sir, I can boogie" was a great hit from the most popular female duo of the 70's and 80's, Baccara (Mayte Mateus and Maria Mediolo).

Here is version of Sophie Ellis-Bextor.


Your eyes are full of hesitation
Sure makes me wonder
If you know what you’re looking for.
I wanna keep my reputation
I’m a sensation
You try me once, you’ll beg for more.

Yes Sir, I can boogie
But I need a certain song.
I can boogie, boogie woogie
All night long.
Yes Sir, I can boogie,
If you stay, you can’t go wrong.
I can boogie, boogie woogie, all night long

No Sir,
I don’t feel very much like talking
No, neither walking
You wanna know if I can dance.
Yes Sir, Already told you in the first verse
And in the chorus
But I will give you one more chance.

Yes Sir, I can boogie
But I need a certain song.
I can boogie, boogie woogie
All night long.
Yes Sir, I can boogie,
If you stay, you can’t go wrong.
I can boogie, boogie woogie, all night long

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