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sleeperzh:open up your dream
送交者: sleeperzh 2005年09月03日09:44:35 于 [高山流水] 发送悄悄话

Today we gonna show you every way
We gonna change it everyday
We gonna make you ever brave
You're gotta know that you'll be free
And if
If I can open up your dreams
If I can open up your mind
Don't say it never can be real
You could see miracles happen to you

I show you the way
I show you the way

We all have this only world
We all dream of being here
We should make the future come together
all together
We will give what we've got
You will know where it's from
This is the moment to be all that we can be
To make the world believe

And please let me tell you something new
That you are chosen to be good
And when your dreams all come true
It is the right time to get you through
Don't be a fool
Just join us to move

We all have this only world
We all dream of being here
We should take the future come together
all together
We will give what we've got
You will know where it's from
This is the moment to be all that we can be
To make the world believe

You could make yourself ever proud
You could see
You will believe
That we can do something that noboby else can achieve
Just open up your dream

We all have this only word
We all dream of being here
We should take the future come together
(make the future come together together Oh……)
We will give what we've got(we've got)
You will know where it's from
(It's from the bottom of my heart)
This is the moment to be all that we can be
(that we can be)
To make the world believe
(To make the world believe)
We all have this only word
We all dream of being here
We should take the future come together
(being this one to let come together Oh……)
We will give what we've got (what we've got)
You will know where it's from (what we've got)
This is the moment to be all that we can be
To make the world believe
(To make the world believe)

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