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arrowing:【Almost Heaven 就是天堂 wwwv】
送交者: arrowing 2018年11月29日22:08:51 于 [高山流水] 发送悄悄话





Country Roads, Take Me Home, 

West Virginia ~!



wild, wonderful, west virginia



john denver?????????????°???????

"Take Me Home, Country Roads", also known as "Country Roads, Take Me Home" or "Country Roads", is a song written by Bill DanoffTaffy Nivert, and John Denver about the state of West Virginia.

It was released as a single performed by Denver on April 12, 1971, peaking at number 2 on Billboard's US Hot 100 singles for the week ending August 28, 1971. The song was a success on its initial release and was certified Gold by the RIAA on August 18, 1971, and Platinum on April 10, 2017.


The song became one of John Denver's most popular and beloved songs. It has continued to sell, with over a million digital copies sold in the United States. It is considered to be Denver's signature song.


The song has a prominent status as an iconic symbol of West Virginia, which it describes as "almost Heaven". In March 2014, it became one of several official state anthems of West Virginia.



当时 余正在WV 电波里传来这一噩耗,目睹耳闻 西佛吉尼亚人的震惊和感慨!



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