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高歌低吟: It’s now or never
送交者: 高歌低吟 2019年05月21日19:41:41 于 [高山流水] 发送悄悄话
It's now or never,
Come hold me tight
Kiss me my darling,
Be mine tonight
Tomorrow will be too late,
It's now or never
My love won't wait.
When I first saw you
With your smile so tender
My heart was captured,
My soul surrendered
I'd spend a lifetime
Waiting for the right time
Now that your near
The time is here at last.
It's now or never,
Come hold me tight
Kiss me my darling,
Be mine tonight
Tomorrow will be too late,
It's now or never
My love won't wait.
Just like a willow,
We would cry an ocean
If we lost true love
And sweet devotion
Your lips excite me,
Let your arms invite me
For who knows when
We'll meet again this way
It's now or never,
Come hold me tight
Kiss me my darling,
Be mine tonight
Tomorrow will be too late,
It's now or never
My love won't wait.
Songwriters: Aaron H. Schroeder / Wally Gold


  好ヾ(≧O≦)〃嗷。嚎嗷!  /无内容 - 老猫嚎两嗓 05/26/19 (194)
  这个演绎的太漂亮了!  /无内容 - Weizhi1 05/23/19 (417)
  声音厚里透亮 英语很迷人!棒棒滴👍  /无内容 - 茜西 05/23/19 (491)
  很有水平!  /无内容 - 暮云平 05/23/19 (472)
  大大的赞  /无内容 - 睫毛弯弯 05/22/19 (472)
  让人想起猫王,大大的赞!!!:)  /无内容 - 月亮花花 05/22/19 (422)
  这改编版太好听了!唱得一贯的优美无比!  /无内容 - 雨峻 05/22/19 (472)
  👏👏👏👏  /无内容 - suibian2009 05/22/19 (515)
  又一位歌唱家现身,大喜,唱得好!大赞👍  /无内容 - 万湖小舟1 05/22/19 (528)
  这歌唱的太有味道了!好听!  /无内容 - biyiniao 05/21/19 (468)
    翼鸟老师好,已连系词作者,请查看后台留言。  /无内容 - 万湖小舟1 05/22/19 (527)
      谢谢小舟,费心了! - biyiniao 05/24/19 (501)
      *联系  /无内容 - 万湖小舟1 05/22/19 (529)
    旋律一样。呵呵。。  /无内容 - 夕林 05/25/19 (382)
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