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【明月寄相思】☆ 科罗拉多河的月光
送交者: 歌哥 2020年09月29日12:00:06 于 [高山流水] 发送悄悄话

Supermoon over Grand Canyon by Jason Hines - Puzzles-Games.eu - puzzles  games

Moonlight on the Colorado: Sheet Music for: Moll, Billy; King,


英豪兄 深情诉唱


Moonlight on the Colorado: Sheet Music for: Moll, Billy; King,

lyrics Billy Moll, composer Robert King --- 1930

Each night I sit beside the campfire dreaming In England, oh, so far across the sea And as I watch the embers softly gleaming I always picture in my memory


Moonlight on the River Colorado How I wish that I were there with you As I sit and pine, each lonely shadow Takes me back to days that we once knew We were to wed at harvest time, you said That's why I'm longing for you When it's moonlight on the Colorado

I wonder if you're waiting for me too Sweetheart do you recall the night we parted Beneath the moonlight on that river shore Each time I see the moon I'm broken-hearted And longing to be home with you once more


We were to wed at harvest time, you said That's why I'm longing for you When it's moonlight on the Colorado I wonder if you're waiting for me too I wonder if you're waiting for me too






  🌹🌹👍👍  /无内容 - 维歌 10/04/20 (98)
  赞歌哥的美帖!再次被英豪的歌醉倒!  /无内容 - 娜佳醉倚听音阁 10/03/20 (98)
    天成佳配,英豪增色!同感!  /无内容 - 歌哥 10/02/20 (131)
    欣与快乐分享,问好, - 歌哥 10/02/20 (109)
    谢谢清溪姐妹分享 精品美唱!  /无内容 - 歌哥 10/02/20 (104)
  歌哥精致大气美贴, 和英豪专业深情的演唱配得正好!  /无内容 - Serena藕花深处 09/30/20 (77)
    花好绿叶扶之 ~~ - 歌哥 10/02/20 (98)
  原来也是英豪兄,记住了。  /无内容 - 墨脉 09/30/20 (72)
    好~!  /无内容 - 歌哥 10/02/20 (114)
  一会儿听豪歌版  /无内容 - 明歌 09/30/20 (114)
    欣与分享,谢谢激励。  /无内容 - 歌哥 10/02/20 (99)
  再次给英豪献上热烈掌声!!!:) - 月亮花花 09/30/20 (110)
    鼓掌! - 歌哥 09/30/20 (100)
  好!祝歌哥中秋节快乐!  /无内容 - 老猫嚎两嗓 09/30/20 (124)
    喵兄阖家快乐!  /无内容 - 歌哥 09/30/20 (104)
    的的确确, - 歌哥 09/30/20 (105)
  歌哥的艺术手法能点石成金! :-)  /无内容 - 英豪 09/29/20 (114)
    金子到哪里都会发光,常言道, - 歌哥 09/30/20 (108)
  英豪老师这首歌唱得确实非常完美!谢谢歌哥!  /无内容 - 碗叮当 09/29/20 (137)
    的确声情并茂,深泓,涟漪,,, - 歌哥 09/29/20 (117)
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