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【蓝绿PK】-花儿-:《The Straw Hat》中低音尝试 F30
送交者: -花儿- 2022年04月23日08:29:59 于 [高山流水] 发送悄悄话

The Straw Hat 

Mama,do you remember
The old straw hat you gave to me
I lost that hat long ago
Flew to the foggy canyon
Yeah,mama,I wonder
What happened to that old straw hat
Falling down the mountain side
Out of my reach like your heart
Suddenly,that wind came up
Stealing my hat from me,yeah
Swirling,whirling gust of wind
Blowing it higher away

Mama,that old straw hat
Was the only one I really loved
But we lost it
No one could bring it back
Like the life you gave me
Suddenly,that wind came up
Stealing my hat from me,yeah
Swirling,whirling gust of wind
Blowing it higher away
Mama,that old straw hat
Was the only one I really loved
But we lost it
No one could bring it back
Like the life you gave me
Like the life you gave me

  花儿老师太赞了,醇厚优美,优秀!  /无内容 - 琥珀之泪 05/10/22 (28)
  迷人的中音,醇厚温暖,娓娓叙说,另任思绪翻飞!  /无内容 - 寒江雪~ 04/24/22 (45)
  赞花儿宽阔的音域,音色纯净甘美,太厉害!  /无内容 - 明歌 04/24/22 (50)
  花儿歌路真是开阔!非常厉害!好唱!  /无内容 - 老好人 04/23/22 (47)
  喜欢这个歌。好听!  /无内容 - 江毅 04/23/22 (47)
  专业般中音,动听迷人的歌声,真棒!  /无内容 - gzzyy 04/23/22 (39)
  醇厚,飘荡~!  /无内容 - 歌哥 04/23/22 (44)
  花儿好唱,好干净通透的歌声!  /无内容 - chinese_wolf 04/23/22 (58)
  经典啊,花儿的精彩演绎使人怀旧怅怀~~~  /无内容 - 北青 04/23/22 (48)
  花儿唱得美!  /无内容 - 老猫嚎两嗓 04/23/22 (48)
    混响是重了点哦  /无内容 - -花儿- 04/23/22 (55)
      是在古老大教堂演唱的效果!  /无内容 - 雅歌一首 04/23/22 (39)
  很好听!  /无内容 - big-apple 04/23/22 (61)
  好歌。唱得游刃有余,歌声很醇美。  /无内容 - WuBuFu 04/23/22 (50)
  花儿的中低声区超级棒,大饱耳福! - 月亮花花 04/23/22 (67)
  花儿的中音E歌太迷人了,超喜欢!应该是F40. E歌加30.  /无内容 - 逍遥乐 04/23/22 (49)
  花儿中音很美, F30是什么意思,积分吗?  /无内容 - 微雨 04/23/22 (72)
      哈哈哈,谢谢花儿,终于搞明白了。班长也把分给俺加上了。  /无内容 - 微雨 04/23/22 (57)
  哇 花儿美女这首英歌唱的饱满情真,触景生情的效应!  /无内容 - life_is_short 04/23/22 (61)
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