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【蓝绿PK】余声:《Beautiful Dreamer》 M30
送交者: 余声 2022年04月24日13:19:08 于 [高山流水] 发送悄悄话

美丽的梦”. 多年ago, 第一次听到 The Irish Tenors “Beautiful Dreamer” 就喜欢这首歌. 今天听到石竹花唱了此歌, 受到鼓励, 也来试试.

Beautiful Dreamer, wake unto me,
Starlight and dewdrops are waiting for thee;
Sounds of the rude world heard in the day,
Lull'd by the moonlight have all passed away!

Beautiful dreamer, queen of my song,
List while I woo thee with soft melody;
Gone are the cares of life's busy throng

Beautiful dreamer, awake unto me!
Beautiful dreamer, awake unto me!

Beautiful dreamer, out on the sea,
Mermaids are chanting the wild Lorelei;
Over the stream let vapors are borne,
Waiting to fade at the bright coming morn.

Beautiful dreamer, beam on my heart,
E'en as the morn on the stream let and sea;
Then will all clouds of sorrow depart,

Beautiful dreamer, awake unto me!
Beautiful dreamer, awake unto me!

  经典好唱!  /无内容 - 老好人 04/25/22 (34)
  经典的好歌声!  /无内容 - 微雨 04/25/22 (38)
  唱的很棒,为你喝彩! - 月亮花花 04/25/22 (39)
  好听极了!鼓掌喝彩!  /无内容 - 不列颠地主 04/25/22 (56)
  为好声音点赞!  /无内容 - -花儿- 04/25/22 (45)
  悠扬的歌声,细腻的演绎,享受ing!鲜花掌声!  /无内容 - 寒江雪~ 04/24/22 (72)
  听着很舒服!唱出了内在韵味  /无内容 - 明歌 04/24/22 (59)
  漂亮的E歌演繹!讚!  /无内容 - 震山雷 04/24/22 (74)
  经典的E歌,唱得优雅动听!赞!  /无内容 - 老乔治 04/24/22 (72)
  这E歌唱得漂亮!  /无内容 - 英豪 04/24/22 (71)
  轻松 悠扬~! - 歌哥 04/24/22 (100)
  经典老歌,演绎的非常动听,赞!  /无内容 - gzzyy 04/24/22 (81)
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