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【蓝绿PK】老乔治: 周末night Jazz, "More" M30
送交者: 老乔治 2022年04月29日17:50:36 于 [高山流水] 发送悄悄话

这首百老汇爵士很老了!不过前几年Andrea Bocelli和著名小号演奏家Chris Botti,在纽约中央



More than the greatest love the world has known
This is the love that I give to you alone
More than the simple words I try to say
I only live to love you more each day.

More than you'll ever know
My arms long to hold you so
My life will be in your keeping
Waking, sleeping, laughing, weeping.

Longer than always is a long, long time
But far beyond forever, you'll be mine
I know I never lived before
And my heart is very sure
No one else could love you more.

More than the greatest love the world has known
This is the love that I give to you alone
More than the simple words I try to say
I only live to love you more each day.

More than you'll ever know
My arms got to hold you so
My life will be in your keeping
Waking, sleeping, laughing, weeping.

Longer than always is a long, long, long time
But far beyond forever, you'll be mine
I know I never lived before
And my heart is very sure
No one else could love you more.

  bravo!超有韵味!大赞老乔治!  /无内容 - -花儿- 04/30/22 (37)
  为乔治兄大森喝彩!  /无内容 - 不列颠地主 04/30/22 (44)
  喜欢Chris Botti, 有他的专辑,老本家E歌赞!  /无内容 - 老地雷 04/29/22 (55)
  爵士音乐很难唱的 好歌好唱 大赞  /无内容 - 溪水清幽 04/29/22 (72)
  》好样的一个顶三,美丽的E歌真棒!  /无内容 - 杰克_JK 04/29/22 (71)
  老乔治E歌好唱,金鼎! - 月亮花花 04/29/22 (59)
    多谢乐乐听歌!您的爵士舞一定很棒!  /无内容 - 老乔治 04/29/22 (77)
      没学过,可能会舞成迪士科。地雷是高手,她伴舞肯定一流。  /无内容 - 逍遥乐 04/29/22 (73)
  more is more ~:)  /无内容 - 歌哥 04/29/22 (73)
    多谢听歌!  /无内容 - 老乔治 04/29/22 (60)
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