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【蓝绿PK】越山青:《How Can I Keep From Singing》
送交者: 高山流水版主 2022年05月05日09:17:42 于 [高山流水] 发送悄悄话

My life flows on in endless song;
Above earth's lamentation,
I hear the sweet, though far-off hymn
That hails a new creation

Through all the tumult and the strife,
I hear that music ringing
It finds an echo in my soul
How can I keep from singing?

What though my joys and comforts die?
I know my Savior liveth
What though the darkness gather round?
Songs in the night he giveth

No storm can shake my inmost calm
While to that refuge clinging
Since Christ is Lord of heaven and earth
How can I keep from singing?

I lift my eyes, the cloud grows thin
I see the blue above it
And day by day this pathway smooths,
Since first I learned to love it,

The peace of Christ makes fresh my heart
A fountain ever springing
For all things are mine since I am his
How can I keep from singing?

No storm can shake my inmost calm
While to that refuge clinging
Since Christ is Lord of heaven and earth
How can I keep from singing?
A fountain ever springing

  哇,版主推荐,果然 - blueranger 05/06/22 (50)
  唱得好,有味道,高!  /无内容 - HaiShi 05/05/22 (37)
  唱得太棒了,好嗓子,专业水平啊,赞!  /无内容 - 小声音 05/05/22 (37)
  好嗓!好听!必须多唱以饱耳福!  /无内容 - 明歌 05/05/22 (38)
  唱得真有味道!  /无内容 - 川江号子 05/05/22 (33)
  唱的真好听,牛!!!  /无内容 - 微雨 05/05/22 (32)
  高手呀!仰望一个!  /无内容 - 老好人 05/05/22 (55)
  唱得本猫好喜欢啊!这嗓子唱乡村民歌曲对好听!  /无内容 - 老猫嚎两嗓 05/05/22 (36)
  非常优美动听的E歌令人喜爱!  /无内容 - gzzyy 05/05/22 (42)
  好棒啊!仰望一个!  /无内容 - 卡卡 05/05/22 (84)
    看到卡卡一本正经地说话真不适应😄  /无内容 - 越山青 05/05/22 (71)
      社么话啊?卡卡可正紧了呢 - 卡卡 05/05/22 (72)
        嗯嗯可以 - 越山青 05/05/22 (72)
  好唱 ~!  /无内容 - 歌哥 05/05/22 (59)
    谢谢!  /无内容 - 越山青 05/05/22 (116)
    是好久没上山了,是老朋友?谢谢你还记得我:-)  /无内容 - 越山青 05/05/22 (74)
  声线有特点,赞好唱!  /无内容 - 一荷 05/05/22 (101)
    谢谢鼓励!  /无内容 - 越山青 05/05/22 (46)
  wow~~~这歌声也太美了,好听极了!歌星风范,好享受!  /无内容 - 水云间 05/05/22 (77)
    谢谢美言!  /无内容 - 越山青 05/05/22 (39)
    非常喜欢你楼上的两首歌,我来打酱油的,谢谢鼓励!  /无内容 - 越山青 05/05/22 (60)
  好嗓子,唱的真棒,赞赞赞!  /无内容 - 琥珀之泪 05/05/22 (76)
    谢谢鼓励!  /无内容 - 越山青 05/05/22 (50)
    谢谢美女!  /无内容 - 越山青 05/05/22 (36)
    绝对好听  /无内容 - 茜西 05/05/22 (61)
  哎呀,这个gospel song唱得太让人 - 老地雷 05/05/22 (91)
      刚从又听一遍,觉得你像XX呢,老朋友,求答案  /无内容 - 老地雷 05/05/22 (86)
        温馨提示 - 越山青 05/05/22 (60)
      你是不是XX?  /无内容 - 老地雷 05/05/22 (42)
    谢谢!同乐同乐:-)  /无内容 - 越山青 05/05/22 (56)
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