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【虎年中秋】花心 Send Me The Pillow
送交者: 高歌低吟 2022年09月06日19:51:58 于 [高山流水] 发送悄悄话

"Send Me The Pillow You Dream On"
Writer(s): Hank Locklin

(So darling I can dream on it too)
Send me the pillow that you dream on
Don't you know that I still care for you
Send me the pillow that you dream on
So darling I can dream on it too

Each night while I'm sleeping oh so lonely
I'll share your loving dreams that once were true
Send me the pillow that you dream on
So darling I can dream on it too

(I've waited so long for you to write me)
But just a memory's all that's left of me
So send me the pillow that you dream on
So darling I can dream on it too
So darling I can dream on it too

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