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高歌低吟: When I Fall in Love
送交者: 高歌低吟 2022年10月30日18:24:23 于 [高山流水] 发送悄悄话


When I fall in love it will be foreverOr I'll never fall in loveIn a restless world like this isLove is ended before it's begunAnd too many moonlight kissesSeem to cool in the warmth of the sun
When I give my heart it will be completelyOr I'll never give my heartAnd the moment I can feel that you feel that way tooIs when I fall in love with you.
And the moment I can feel that you feel that way tooIs when I'll fall in love with you
Source: Musixmatch
Songwriters: בר דוד רמי / Young,victor Popular / Heyman,edward
When I Fall in Love lyrics © Chappell & Co., Inc., Intersong-usa, Inc.

  你的鹰鸽实在是太地道了!享受!  /无内容 - 老好人 11/04/22 (55)
  英语歌唱得很地道。非常好听!热烈鼓掌!  /无内容 - 江毅 11/02/22 (69)
  音色优美动听,高歌的e歌与国语歌曲一样优美  /无内容 - -红歌- 11/02/22 (72)
  哇, 温柔浪漫的演绎, 魅力势不可挡!  /无内容 - Serena藕花深处 11/01/22 (107)
  非常地道!好听!献花!  /无内容 - 叶雨㊣ 11/01/22 (87)
  中音气息丰富,柔软如踩着云朵,很棒!  /无内容 - 一荷 10/31/22 (56)
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