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送交者: ~苗苗 2007年12月04日18:56:55 于 [高山流水] 发送悄悄话

意大利 托塞里小夜曲

往日的爱情 已经永远消失 幸福的回忆想梦一样留在我心里 他的笑容 和美丽的眼睛 带给我幸福并照亮我青春的生命 但是幸福不长久 欢乐变成忧愁 那甜蜜的爱情就从此离开我 在我心里只留下痛苦 我独自 悲伤叹息 时光白白度过 心中悲伤叹息啊! 太阳的光芒不再照亮我, 她不再照亮我的生命.

The Serenata (Rimpianto) by Enrico Toselli (1883 - 1926) was once a very succesful piece, just as famous as Rubinstein's Melody in F. Toselli, born into a rich family, was a child prodigy. At 14 he started his first concert tour; he toured Europe and the United States. Toselli wrote the Serenata for violin and piano when he was 17, but the melody was also sung by great tenors like Caruso and Gigli. We offer you a version for piano solo, that was made by the famous Cherubini. Personally I think it's a nice melody. Something you probably like to play on a warm summer evening. Btw, that gave me the idea to publish this one today. It is summer in my country and it's warm. Enjoy the music.

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