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答谢LIV4LOV,祝大家新年快乐 - Westlife BY 苍茫远山
送交者: 苍茫远山 2008年01月02日08:36:51 于 [高山流水] 发送悄悄话

《img hspace="0" src="http://i19.tinypic.com/6t1yo29.jpg" width="600" align="baseline" border="0" />

My Love

原唱: Westlife


An empty street,An empty house
A hole inside my heart
I'm all alone and the rooms are getting smaller

I wonder how, I wonder why
I wonder where they are
The days we had, the songs we sang together
And oh my love, I'm holding on forever
Reaching for a love that seem so far

So I say a little prayer
And hope my dreams will take me there
Where the skies are blue
To see you once again, my love
Overseas from coast to coast
To find the place I love the most
Where the fields are green
To see you once again, my love

I try to read, I go to work
I'm laughing with my friends
But I can't stop to keep myself from thinking

I wonder how, I wonder why
I wonder where they are
The days we had, the songs we sang together
And oh my love, I'm holding on forever
Reaching for a love that seem so far

To hold you in my arms
To promise you my love
To tell you from the heart
You're all I'm thinking of

I'm reaching for a love seem so far

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