+++++++++-牛街人民的福音!++++++++++ |
送交者: 红门 2011年02月07日22:37:17 于 [高山流水] 发送悄悄话 |
吉林大学2011年赴美国孔子学院交流演出预演视频节目单 The Program of the Performance by Jilin University for Confucius Institutes, USA, 2011 开场歌舞《关东情》 Opening song: Passion of guandong (Northeast) 1. 舞蹈《东北印象》 1. Dance: Impression of northeast (China) 2. 萨克斯、竹笛重奏《像我这样的朋友》 2. Music: “A Friend like me” by saxophone and bamboo flute 3. 戏曲《天仙配》 3. Traditional Chinese opera: Tian Xian Pei (the marriage between a fairy and human being) 互动节目一:教学转手绢 Interactive activity I:share how to rotate the red handkerchiefs. 4. 舞蹈《鱼跃欢歌》 4. Dance: Joy with the movement of fish 5. 民乐、舞蹈《化蝶》 5. Traditional music and dance: Butterfly lovers 6.武术表演《中国功夫》 6. Martial art: Chinese Kung Fu 互动节目二:教学打太极 Interactive activity II:share how to play Taichi. 7. 舞蹈《荷塘满园》 7. Dance: A garden full of lotuses and small pools 8.古典艺术表演《千年风雅》 8. Classical art: Ever-existing elegance in thousands of years 互动节目三:教学剪纸 Interactive activity III:share how to do paper-cut 9. 歌曲《故乡的云》 9. Song: The cloud from my hometown 10.舞蹈《千手观音》 10.Dance: The Thousand-hand Bodhisattva 尾声歌曲:《相亲相爱》 Closing song: Love each other
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历史上的今天:回复热帖 |
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