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送交者: big-apple 2014年02月25日18:26:55 于 [高山流水] 发送悄悄话


Take my hand I’m a stranger in paradise All lost in a wonderland A stranger in paradise If I stand starry-eyed That’s the danger in paradise For mortals who stand beside an angel like you I saw your face ascending Out of the common place and into the rare Now somewhere out in space I hang suspended Until I’m certain that there’s a chance that you care Won’t you answer this fervent prayer Of a stranger in paradise Don’t send me in dark despair From all that I hunger for But open your angel’s arms To this stranger in paradise And tell him that he need be A stranger no more wuwuwu Aah-aah-aah Take my hand I’m a stranger in paradise All lost in a wonderland A stranger in paradise If I stand starry-eyed That’s the danger in paradise For mortals who stand beside an angel like you I saw your face as I ascended Out of the common place and into the rare Now somewhere out in space I hang suspended Until I’m certain that there’s a chance that you care Won’t you answer this fervent prayer Of a stranger in paradise Don’t send me in dark despair From all that I hunger for But open your angel’s arms To this stranger in paradise And tell him that he need be A stranger no more A stranger no more

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