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送交者: Gamos 2008月09月14日14:57:10 于 [摄友部落] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 神奇的大西南之旅 (2)-Bryce峡谷国家公园袜贩 于 2008-09-12 07:03:34
Glad that people from Boston love this area. In S. Utah, you see more Germans than Americans.

After spending 4 summers touring Utah, I went to Boston and Canada instead last month.

Bryce and Zion are ok, but Strongly recommend the following:

1) Arches NP. Go there asap, since I don't know long Lanscape arch can hold. Wall arch collapsed while I was in Boston, what a shame.

2) Dead horse point. It is a state park, but I rate it No. 1 scenic point. It is really spectacular. It is little bit north of Arches. If you go further west, you can visit the Northen part of Canyonland NP (Island in the Sky) including the famous Mesa Arch.

3) Natural Bridges NP., south of Arches. You can see the power of water. The formation of these bridges are different from arches.

4) Gooseneck State Park. It is very remote, but you will be really amazed by the little trick that nature plays.

5) If you have time to go further south to Arizona, and visit Lake Powell, don't visit the Horseshoe Bend which is about 4 miles south of Page.

Horseshoe Bend

Gooseneck State Park. This thing is huge, this is only part of it.

Deadhorse Point, You have to go there to fully appreciate it.
  This is just second part - 袜贩 09/14/08 (129)
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