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Inflation Inflation Inflation!
送交者: 七郎 2021年06月10日15:29:26 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话

Inflation runs faster and higher than I predicted. In fact, food prices has gone up > 10% since January!  Yet, Biden wants to print >>> the 6T$ he originally wanted.  Who gets hurt?  The very low-mid class he wows to protect!

Today’s report from a super liberal network:


P.S. my prediction right after Biden’s State of The Union adress:

“Print $, print $$, print $$$!  The consequences: 1. Inflation—housing prices are out of control now, 2. Employers fight for limited pool of workers who are willing to work, 3. Economy over-heating, 4. Next round of financial/housing bubble pop, 5. More middle class slaughter, ......”

“After the election, I predicted Biden would print $5T instead of the 2T he campaigned on. Now he wants to print a total of $6T. Not satisfied with Biden’s plan, AOC wants to print an additional  4T$ every year for 10 years.”

How crazy!

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