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送交者: 老尚童 2021年09月26日02:18:22 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話





由高度黨派的政客組成的 "非選擇委員會",一個類似於製造現在已被證實的俄羅斯、俄羅斯、俄羅斯、烏克蘭、烏克蘭、彈劾騙局1號、彈劾騙局2號和其他許多騙局的團體,已於16日發出騷擾傳票。6日,美國政府可以繼續浪費時間,而俄羅斯、中國和幾乎所有與我們國家打交道的其他國家可以繼續 "吃我們的午餐",並嘲笑我們南部邊境發生的蠢事,以及歷史上任何國家從戰區的最糟糕的撤退--所有這些,而民主黨人迫害和起訴共和黨人,這和操縱選舉一樣,基本上是他們知道如何做。為了我們國家的利益,我們將以行政特權和其他理由與傳票進行鬥爭,同時我們等待發現是否會向反法組織和BLM發出傳票,因為他們在撕裂我們民主黨人管理的美國城市時造成了死亡和破壞。




Donald J. Trump

The “Unselect Committee” of highly partisan politicians, a similar group that perpetrated the now proven lie of Russia, Russia, Russia, Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine, Impeachment Hoax #1, Impeachment Hoax #2, and many other Scams, has sent out Harassment Subpoenas on Jan. 6th so that the Government of the United States can continue wasting time while Russia, China, and virtually every other country that deals with our Nation can continue to “eat our lunch,” and laugh at the stupidity of what is going on at our Southern Border, and the worst withdrawal from a war zone by any Nation in history—all of this while the Democrats persecute and prosecute Republicans which is, together with Rigging Elections, essentially all they know how to do. We will fight the Subpoenas on Executive Privilege and other grounds, for the good of our Country, while we wait to find out whether or not Subpoenas will be sent out to Antifa and BLM for the death and destruction they have caused in tearing apart our Democrat-run cities throughout America.


Hopefully the Unselect Committee will be calling witnesses on the Rigged Presidential Election of 2020, which is the primary reason that hundreds of thousands of people went to Washington, D.C. in the first place. Let the people of the United States see the real facts, which cannot happen because the Fake News refuses to write about them. The Witch Hunt will never end! In the meantime, the Democrats get away with the Russia Scam, and all of the other corruption they have perpetrated on our Country for so many years. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

Our Country can never make progress because all the Democrats do are these Scams and Hoaxes. It’s the only thing they’re good at!

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2020: 北京通過李文亮條款,有進步
2020: 拜登78歲參見道德經78章,川普74歲參見
2019: 七问共产黨中国
2019: 人就這德性
2018: 法廣| 美國制裁中國將領 引發中國官場
2018: 貴人
2017: 徐才厚出賣令計劃 胡錦濤軟禁中南海
2017: 轉貼:資本是財富,但財富絕不是資本
2016: 【七律】訪廬山會議舊址有感彭德懷事 2
2016: 川普已經徹底潰敗!