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Wuhan: BioError and BioTerror
送交者: 江靈颺 2021年10月03日21:19:02 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話

It is extremely hard, if not impossible, to get to the bottom of Wuhan's pathogenic mystery. Knowing what we know, something must have gone terribly wrong in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.* In other words, a biological error had occurred, which was menacing enough to close Wuhan off overnight on January 23, 2020. 

Wuhan reminds us of Chernobyl. The former Soviet Union tried to contain the Chernobyl fallout. It failed because what happened in Chernobyl did not stay in Chernobyl. What happened in Chernobyl was a nuclear meltdown. Likewise, the current Beijing regime tried to localize the Wuhan epidemic. It failed because the epidemic in Wuhan did not stay in Wuhan. The epidemic in Wuhan turned out to be a pandemic. 

Somehow, an unknown number of people had managed to get out of Wuhan just before its lockdown. This Wuhan diaspora thus became COVID-19 superspreaders. That being said, no one should jump to the conclusion that the current Beijing regime had planned to terrorize the world biologically, until and unless there's irrefutable evidence to prove it guilty beyond reasonable doubt. Yet Xi Jinping's brute refusal to come clean about the Wuhan disaster doesn't help. Intriguingly though, the World Health Organization lends Xi a sympathetic ear. So does Dr. Anthothy Fauci, a top COVID advisor to President Biden.

However, one's bio-error could translate into another's bio-terror weapon. This scenario, like the 9/11 attack, is no longer some sci-fi thriller stuff. Indeed, what if the 9/11 attackers were carriers of a deadly contagious pathogen? Instead of using passenger jet planes as missiles, they might just use themselves as pathogenic bombs infecting everyone in America and beyond. Yes, everyone. It is a small world. Don't you think so, Mr. Xi? 

--- Lingyang Jiang



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