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2009年6月7日,《波士頓環球報》的專欄女作家 Yvonne Abraham在該報撰文談及柴玲起訴卡瑪一案,說,天安門“運動的一個領袖如今就在波士頓這個地方,對着民主的支柱狠踢了一腳。”“柴玲在利用美國法律制度攻擊她當年的同學為之獻出生命的自由。”

6月14日,方政在《波士頓環球報》讀者來信中,指責“Abraham在繼續宣揚一個神話,說天安門運動的領袖柴玲曾經‘期待流血’。柴的話被製片人錯譯並斷章取義。正確的譯法應該是‘anticipate’,而不是‘hope for’。”



在貴報"Filmmakers don't know truth of Tiananmen''(製片人不知道天安門的真實)一文,即方政先生6月14日致波士頓環球報專欄作家Yvonne Abraham 的信中,他以1989年天安門廣場被官方鎮壓的全體受害者的名義說話。作為一個因參加這次運動而羈獄將近三年,而後流亡國外的受害者,我不同意方政先生對卡瑪的影片《天安門》的指責。

方政先生說製片人誤譯了八九學運"領袖"之一柴玲的話,我認為這種說法是荒謬的。作為一個道地的中國人,我覺得柴玲的措詞相當刺耳。她在那段話里明確地談到"期待流血"。"期待"一詞在中文中所表達的意願非常清楚,即言者願意看到他或她所指望的事情發生。以中文為母語的人不會用"期待"來表達他或她不情願看到的事情。而且,柴玲談論流血的整段話的上下文,也強化了"期待"一詞所帶有的希望之義。如果譯文表達不出這種意願,(如方政先生認為的那樣,"期待"不應當譯為"hope''而應當譯為 "anticipate''),那就違背了柴玲這段話的中文原意。


Yvonne Abraham的文章引起公眾對這樣一樁無理訴訟的關注,這是符合公眾利益的。




Tiananmen reconsidered

June 20, 2009

columnist Yvonne Abraham, Fang Zheng claims to speak for all victims of the government crackdown at Tiananmen Square (“Filmmakers don’t know truth of Tiananmen,’’ Letters, June 14). A victim myself (nearly three years’ imprisonment), I object to his characterization of the film “The Gate of Heavenly Peace.’’

His assertion that the filmmakers mistranslated Ling Chai, a leader of the 1989 demonstrations, is absurd. As a native Chinese speaker, I find disturbing her choice of words - that they were hoping for bloodshed. The verb “qidai,’’ which she used when speaking of bloodshed, expresses an unambiguous hope. No native speaker would use “qidai’’ to describe an event that he or she does not wish to see occur. Moreover, the context of Chai’s full statement about bloodshed reinforces this sense of hoping. Any translation that does not convey the intention inherent in “qidai’’ (Zheng sees it as “anticipate’’ rather than “hope’’) hides the unmistakable Chinese meaning of Chai’s statement.

Chai is using a lawsuit involving trademark infringement to punish the filmmakers for presenting an honest account of history that humanizes her rather than uncritically casting her as an infallible leader. That Yvonne Abraham has brought this case to public attention serves us all well.

Mo Li

Sundsvall, Sweden

《波士頓環球報》專欄女作家 Yvonne Abraham


By Yvonne Abraham

Globe Columnist / June 7, 2009




先介紹一下背景。(說了有關柴玲的爭議,《天安門》中柴玲有關流血的談話,長弓網站上引述的有關柴玲的負面消息,其中也包括《波士頓寰球報》的文章, 等。)



“所謂某人可能被誤導的說法是如此荒唐,它連做笑話都不夠格”,一位專長於有關憲法第一修正案官司的律師Harvey Silverglate說。就連法官都已經表示“尖子班”勝訴的可能性不大,但是柴玲仍然執意把官司打了下去。





“數十年來(原文如此),長弓肆意醜化柴玲”,“尖子班”的發言人Bob Gray說,“現在柴玲有資源反擊了,他們當然就不高興了。”




Beijing lesson unlearned

By Yvonne Abraham

What you might not have heard about is how a leader of that crushed movement is trying to put the boot into a pillar of democracy right here in Boston.

Ling Chai, sometimes called commander in chief of the 1989 demonstrations, now lives in Massachusetts and heads a successful software company, Jenzabar Inc. In the years since she fled China, she has spoken passionately about the importance of free speech.

And yet Jenzabar is using the courts to bring two filmmakers to near-ruin because their website contains excerpts from, and links to, articles critical of Chai and her firm.

First, some background. In the years since she arrived in the United States, debate has surrounded Chai. Some of her contemporaries, as well as some historians, say that Chai and other student leaders made mistakes in the last hours of the standoff with the Chinese government and that their decision to remain in Tiananmen Square led to more deaths. It's an allegation bolstered by Chai's own words, according to a translation of an interview she gave in those chaotic final days.

The interview is included in an award-winning documentary, "The Gate of Heavenly Peace.'' In it, Chai says: "How can I tell [our followers] that we actually are hoping for bloodshed, the moment when the government is ready to butcher the people brazenly. Only when the square is awash in blood will the people of China open their eyes.''

Chai has long said that comment was mistranslated and taken out of context, and some other student leaders support her view.

Carma Hinton and Richard Gordon stand by their film, and other Chinese leaders support them. They also maintain a website, with updates on Chai that refer to stories and columns on Jenzabar, some unflattering, including one published in the Globe.

Jenzabar sued the filmmakers' company, Long Bow Films, for defamation - just for directing readers to the articles Chai and her company say are offensive and inaccurate. A Suffolk Superior Court judge wisely threw the defamation charge out. The First Amendment guarantees the people's right to say - and cite - even things you don't like, after all.

But the case has dragged on because Jenzabar is also contending that just
by using the company's name as a tag on its website, Long Bow is guilty of trademark infringement - that somebody googling Jenzabar might land on the Long Bow site and get confused.

That's bosh.

"The idea that somebody would be confused is so remote as to not pass the giggle test,'' said Harvey Silverglate, a lawyer who specializes in First Amendment cases. Even the judge said Jenzabar is unlikely to win. And yet Chai perseveres.

Why? There is more than one way to skin free speech. Jenzabar has buckets of money. Hinton and Gordon don't. Chai's suit has cost them 70 grand so far. Even though she will probably lose the court battle, she could win the war by shutting Long Bow down.

"It has drained a lot of our resources,'' Hinton said. "We may be driven into bankruptcy before we see our day in court.''

There's more. Last week, Jenzabar attorneys asked a judge to prevent Long Bow from updating their website on the continuing court case. On Thursday, the judge knocked them down, saying "fear of bad publicity'' isn't grounds for a gag order.

Lawyers for both sides declined comment.

"Long Bow has gratuitously maligned Ling Chai for decades, '' said Rob Gray, spokesman for Jenzabar. "And now that she has the resources to fight back, they don't like it.''

But the problem isn't that Chai is fighting back. It's how she's fighting back. She's using the justice system to attack the very freedoms for which her fellow students gave their lives.

Yvonne Abraham is a Globe columnist. Her e-mail address is abraham@globe.com.





Yvonne Abraham 在她的文章中(“北京的教訓沒學到“ 6月7日城市版專欄) 把柴玲描繪成一個負面形象,而沒有提到她大量的優點。同時,作者也沒有提到學生領袖們對《天安門》一片對我們不準確的報道所提出的反對意見。


Abraham在繼續宣揚一個神話,說天安門運動的領袖柴玲曾經“期待流血”。柴的話被製片人錯譯並斷章取義。正確的譯法應該是“anticipate”,而不是“hope for”。多少年來,天安門領袖們不斷向製片人指出這個問題,但製片人為了有利於宣揚自己的觀點,對此毫不理睬。




Filmmakers don't know truth of Tiananmen

June 14, 2009

YVONNE ABRAHAM ("Beijing lesson unlearned," Metro, June 7) paints a negative picture of Ling Chai without mentioning her many positives, and without sufficiently delving into the objections of student leaders to the way we were inaccurately portrayed by filmmakers Carma Hinton and Richard Gordon in their movie "The Gate of Heavenly Peace."

I admire Chai for escaping with her life after 10 months of hiding in China following the Tiananmen Square massacre, and for starting a new and successful life in America. Coming here with no English, she learned the language and business. Now she is helping our movement by donating significant funds and speaking out against the Chinese government on the 20th anniversary of the massacre.

Abraham perpetuates the myth that Chai, as a leader of the 1989 demonstrations, was "hoping for bloodshed." Chai's language was mistranslated by the filmmakers, and taken out of context. It is properly translated as "anticipate" rather than "hope," something the Tiananmen leaders have been pointing out for years but that the filmmakers have ignored to better promote their perspective.

Those of us who were at Tiananmen - I lost my legs to a Chinese tank - know the truth a lot better than some filmmakers who weren't there and risked nothing.

Fang Zheng

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