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送交者: 木秀於林 2021年10月08日03:14:03 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話













馬薩諸塞州共和黨州長候選人傑夫-迪爾(Geoff Diehl)非常期待與 "RINO "州長查理-貝克(Charlie Baker)競選,後者對共和黨毫無建樹,並將馬薩諸塞州的能源成本提高到迄今為止全國最高的水平--每月電費,以及其他一切,甚至沒有達到他們應該達到的水平。貝克在犯罪問題上表現糟糕,不尊重我們的警察,對我們的退伍軍人無所作為,完全搞砸了疫苗接種的推廣,主持了MBTA的崩潰,並看到犯罪率上升到創紀錄的水平。他的 "綠色氣候 "觀點是來自AOC的新劇本。他完全放棄了共和黨的原則,從不減稅並破壞我們的議程。貝克絕對不是那種 "美國優先 " "讓美國再次偉大 "的人。另一方面,傑夫-迪爾是一個真正的愛國者,相信低能源成本和我們的獨立能源政策(這一點剛剛被拜登政府抹殺,能源成本飆升!)。傑夫在犯罪、選舉誠信、我們現在被圍困的南部邊境等問題上立場堅定,熱愛我們的軍隊,並十分注重照顧我們的退伍軍人。傑夫-迪爾將是馬薩諸塞州傑出的州長,我很榮幸能給他一個完整和全面的支持。








Donald J. Trump

The Progressives gain far more power with the legislation being currently talked about by failing than if it passes. It makes them a true powerhouse. Next up, AOC running against Chuck Schumer for his US Senate Seat!

Donald J. Trump

The Democrat plan, if approved at any level, will push our Country towards socialism!

Donald J. Trump

Endorsement of Pete Flores

Pete Flores will be a great State Senator for the terrific people of Central Texas. With 27 years in strong Law Enforcement, Pete will stand for Law and Order, loves our Military and our Vets, and will fight to Secure our Border. Pete is strong on our Second Amendment and will fight for Low Taxes. Pete Flores has my Complete and Total Endorsement for the Texas Senate!

Donald J. Trump

Endorsement of Geoff Diehl

Republican gubernatorial candidate Geoff Diehl of Massachusetts looks very much forward to his run against "RINO" Governor Charlie Baker, who has done nothing for the Republican Party and has driven Massachusetts energy costs into, by far, the highest in the Nation—monthly electric bills, and all else, are not even close to being where they should be. Baker is bad on crime, disrespects our police, does nothing for our Veterans, has totally botched the Vaccination rollout, presided over the collapse of the MBTA, and has seen crime go to record levels. His “green climate” views are fresh out of the AOC playbook. He has totally abandoned the principles of the Republican Party, never cutting taxes and undermining our agenda. Baker is definitely not an American First or Make America Great Again kind of guy. Geoff Diehl, on the other hand, is a true patriot, a believer in low energy costs and our independent energy policy (which was just obliterated by the Biden Administration with energy costs soaring!). Geoff is strong on Crime, Election Integrity, our now under siege Southern Border, loves our Military, and has a big focus on taking care of our Vets. Geoff Diehl will be an outstanding Governor for the state of Massachusetts, and it is my honor to give him my Complete and Total Endorsement!

Donald J. Trump

Because the Election was rigged, and America now has weak and corrupt leadership, we may very well end up in a war with China who no longer respects the USA. They witnessed firsthand our television generals' complete surrender to the Taliban with the loss of 13 great Warriors and the handing over of $85 billion of the best and most expensive Military equipment in the World—China and Russia are already reverse engineering the equipment so they can build it for themselves. The only thing the Radical Left Democrats, who are destroying our Nation, are good at is rigging Elections and criminal activity, while always blaming the other side through corrupt prosecutors and prosecutions. Our Country is in big trouble—we better get going fast!

Donald J. Trump

Vice President Mike Pence’s statement during his interview with the great Sean Hannity very much destroys and discredits the Unselect Committees Witch Hunt on the events of January 6th. It will continue anyways, however, because the Fake News doesn’t want to focus on Afghanistan, Russia, Taiwan and China, the Border, inflation, and a failing economy. 

Donald J. Trump

The Unselect Committee of partisan Democrats, and two very weak and pathetic RINOs, should come to the conclusion after spending many millions of dollars, that the real insurrection happened on November 3rd, the Presidential Election, not on January 6th—which was a day of protesting the Fake Election results.

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