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Dr. Fauci: I Represent Science
送交者: 江靈颺 2021年11月30日21:38:10 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話

Just a couple of days ago, Dr. Anthony Fauci declared, "I represent science." * The last time I checked, Albert Einstein had never uttered anything to the effect that he represented science. But then, Einstein was not a medical doctor. Only our medical doctor-in-chief can be the highest priest of science. Get that? 


Somehow I can't help but bring up Wuhan. In his emails leaked by The Intercept, an online news outlet, Fauci was busy maneuvering via the backchannel to distance himself from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which continues to receive U.S. funding under his direction nevertheless.** My overall impression is that Fauci holds himself accountable to neither U.S. taxpayers nor medical research ethics. Meanwhile, he has so far taken no legal action against The Intercept. Thanks to free press, the leaked emails have Fauci cornered. No wonder he just brazened it through a recent U.S. Senate hearing. Now as a self-appointed science representative, he thinks he is a Teflon Fauci, which means that whoever criticizes him is a public enemy of science. Good luck with that.

For a medical doctor, "first, do no harm." However, as revealed by his emails, Fauci has actively or passively condoned ethically shaky experiments conducted by the Wuhan researchers. What's really cooking, so to speak, in the Wuhan laboratories? Seriously, has there ever been an independent medical ethics committee under the watchful eye of the CCP? If Fauci has no good answers to these questions, what kind of doctor is he? 

Even a mad scientist would think twice before claiming to represent science. 

Author: Lingyang Jiang

* "I represent science."

** Dr. Fauci's Wuhan connection

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