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Biden to Americans: Live with COVID
送交者: 江靈颺 2022年01月07日16:52:45 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話

President Biden knows too well that COVID is his second Afghanistan. He lost his first one and botched his exit badly. He is now losing his second one. His exit strategy must not fail him, he prays. But, is God on his side? I doubt that he cares. All he cares about is the midterm elections. A Republican Congress would render him a lame duck because Congress controls the purse strings. This likely scenario forces Biden to moderate himself to stay competitive, sort of. In effect though, he needs to accommodate the Republican stance on COVID, which is anti-mandated vaccination and anti-business shutdown. No wonder Ron DeSantis, Republican Governor of Florida, is shining his 100 watt smile everywhere these days.

Meanwhile, Biden publicly admits that there's no federal solution to COVID. He also advocates for keeping schools open, thus flying in the face of the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU), an inalienable financial supporter of the Democratic Party. Above all, as science goes, former Biden advisors have just conceded in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) that COVID is more or less a circulating respiratory disease. In other words, COVID is just like a nasty flu. Accordingly, we are told to live with COVID.

The American Medical Association is preparing the Biden administration for a soft landing from its shaky perch. So don't be surprised when the president declares, deadpan, that he has beaten COVID into a flu. 

Author: Lingyang Jiang

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