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教授與貓(小小說,Professor and Cat)
送交者: thesunlover 2022年08月21日10:39:01 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話







Professor and Cat (mininovel)

In March, the day before Professor Danylo Shevchenko was to voluntarily report to the local military district, his family's apartment building on the outskirts of Kiev was hit by Russian air strikes, reducing the entire building to rubble, followed by the occupation of the township by Russian forces.

Two weeks later, Russian troops withdrew from the area. The Kiev military and civilians immediately launched a rescue operation, and after 50 to 60 hours of night and day efforts, the Shevchenko family was dug out of the rubble. It was discovered that the professor's wife Iryna, their 8-year-old son Ivan, and their 5-year-old daughter Solomiya had all died directly from the bombing, their bodies in tatters.

The study where the professor was located caved in and he was trapped under a large reinforced concrete prefabricated slab where there were traces of leftover snow. Except for a few broken ribs and skin contusions, there were no fatal trauma to the body. The trapped person ended up dying of starvation and cold for a maximum of three days.

The only survivor of the family was snuggled close to the professor's arms which had gone cold, a pet cat of the family, her name was Joy.

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