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2 Episodes of The Book Recently Peddled by Ivanka
送交者: 王利民 2022年09月16日13:30:56 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話

Two Episodes of The Book Recently Peddled by Ivanka Trump
Sept 16, 2022
by Limin Wang

Here are two episodes from the book, INCREDIBLE,

"...REDACTREDACTREDACT When I saw Chief of Staff John F. Kelly shoved my dearest wife Ivanka, my hands reflectively reached for the affordable chair, which made a sudden squeak. Kelly rotated his head backward, flipping his staring at me and the chair, "What happened?" I am a Jew, and that terse question somehow sounds very familiar to me. Anyway, I flashed my mind back to the current DIALOGUE, jewishly quietly answering, "I think the chair was going to break."

...REDACTREDACTREDACT...Later, Mr. John F. Kelly said to President Trump, "My heart is too HEAVY, so I'd like to take a break from me." My father-in-law happily greeted the retired general, "John, take it easy, man. Playing golf might help. Anyway, whatever you do here or there, it's always up to you. I will miss you dearly." ...REDACTREDACTREDACT...

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