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Ivanka, Come on and Join
送交者: 王利民 2022年11月16日09:16:43 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话

Ivanka, Come on and Join
by Limin Wang
Nov. 16, 2022

Although you clearly state that you love and support your father Donald J. Trump, you cited your own young kids and family as your excuse to avoid the political arena and thus your father's 3rd presidential bid. If you really do that, I tend to break up with you and hate jewish Kushner less. Watch this video on YouTube,


"We will not bend; We will not break; We will not yield; We will never give in; We will never give up; We will never back down; We will never, ever, surrender. Because we are Americans, and our hearts bleed red, white, and blue." --- Donald J. Trump
"U.S.A., U.S.A., U.S.A., ..." --- Supporting Crowd

The political arena is nasty and even teeming with evil, but POLITICS GOES HAND AND HAND INTO PEOPLE'S EVERYDAY LIFE. My wife being seduced and coached into a destructive psychopath, my teenage, now young adult, daughters being seduced and abducted away from me, me myself being seriously permanently injured by persistent attempted murders veiled as workplace "accidents" and "medical diagnoses and treatments", and my family being relentlessly threatened by eviction and homelessness, SUCH SERIOUS MATTERS CAN NOT BE TINKERED WITH ONLY "CHARITIES"; THEY MUST PAY! THE SYSTEM MUST BE CHANGED!

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