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A Tornado Saved America
送交者: renqiulan 2024年03月03日17:09:45 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話

A Sunday Book Club Post


Here are my thoughts:

The American Revolution left many issues unresolved, and by 1812, the United States found itself at war with Britain once again.

At stake were maritime rights, without which America would be no different from a landlocked country. No wonder the patriotic War of 1812-1815 had inspired the creation of "The Star-Spangled Banner," our national anthem.

This war also turned an unlikely hero into an American legend—the TORNADO known as the Twister of 1814.

On August 24th, 1814, British troops overran the U.S. Capital, setting fire to a number of buildings, including the White House. This event was seen as the height of their "fireworks."

The British "fireworks" continued into the next day, August 25th, when a freakish rainy tornado swept across town and extinguished the fires, shocking the invaders into inaction.

Believing that God was on their side, American defenders, bolstered by a renewed sense of purpose, mounted a fierce counter-attack, driving the British forces back and seizing victory from the jaws of defeat.

"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger." This maxim certainly rings true for the Twister of 1814, a morale-boosting storm that contributed to the young republic's successful defense of its maritime rights. Afterward, with growing sea power, the United States never looked back.

Author: renqiulan


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