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送交者: karkar 2024年07月01日22:38:27 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話

Biden 現在可以玩把大的,把那幾個法官“抓”起來。

“Today is July 2, 2024. It is 7:30 in the morning. I am the president of the United States. I have been given the immunity for my official acts by these members of the SCOTUS: xxx xxx. Now, I order FBI to send them back to their offices in the SCOTUS before 8:00 am of July 3. I order them to explain to me and all of the Americans, in a clear and written form, what is an official act, and what isn't an official act of the president before 8:30 am of July 6. They are not allowed to leave the SCOTUS until they have given much an explanation. They are responsible for all the problems and and unrests in this time.”

  就是  /無內容 - 淼淼淼 07/02/24 (67)
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