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An Assassination Attempt(語Bilingual)撕裂美國的暗殺
送交者: 無套褲漢 2024年07月14日18:56:27 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話

An Assassination Attempt That Seems Likely to Tear America Further Apart(雙語 Bilingual) 一次似乎可能進一步撕裂美國的暗殺企圖


An Assassination Attempt That Seems Likely to Tear America Further Apart

The attack on former President Donald J. Trump comes at a time when the United States is already polarized along ideological and cultural lines and is split, it often seems, into two realities.

By Peter Baker
Peter Baker has covered the past five presidents.

July 14, 2024 


House Democrats impeached Mr. Trump for instigating the Capitol attack with his inflammatory language at a rally beforehand. The former president has a long history of encouraging violence. He urged supporters to beat up protesters at rallies, cheered a Republican congressman for body-slamming a reporter, called for looters and shoplifters to be shot, made light of the attack on Mr. Pelosi and promised pardons to Jan. 6 rioters. When some of his supporters chanted “Hang Mike Pence!” on Jan. 6, Mr. Trump told aides that maybe the vice president deserved it because he had defied efforts to overturn the 2020 election. 

Republicans turned the tables on Democrats this weekend, arguing that if Mr. Trump was responsible for provocative rhetoric, then Mr. Biden should be as well. Speaking with donors on Monday, the president said he wanted to stop talking about his poor debate performance and instead “put Trump in a bull's-eye.” He described his strategy as “attack, attack, attack.” 

“The central premise of the Biden campaign is that President Donald Trump is an authoritarian fascist who must be stopped at all costs,” Senator J.D. Vance, Republican of Ohio and a front-runner to be named Mr. Trump's running mate, wrote on social media two hours after the attack on Saturday. “That rhetoric directly led to President Trump's attempted assassination.”

Mr. Scalise, also the victim of a political attack, agreed. “For weeks, Democrat leaders have been fueling ludicrous hysteria that Donald Trump winning re-election would be the end of democracy in America,” he said. “Clearly, we've seen far-left lunatics act on violent rhetoric in the past. This incendiary rhetoric must stop.” 

Representative Mike Collins, Republican of Georgia, wrote on social media that “Joe Biden sent the orders” and urged the local prosecutor to “immediately file charges against Joseph R. Biden for inciting an assassination.” But not all hands are clean. Mr. Collins once ran a campaign ad in which he fired a rifle at Ms. Pelosi's agenda and shot a cardboard cutout of so-called RINO Republicans. 

Some Republican leaders took a more measured approach. Speaker Mike Johnson, speaking on “Today” on NBC, said on Sunday that Mr. Trump had “been so vilified and really persecuted by media, Hollywood elites, political figures, even the legal system” and cited Mr. Biden's “bull's-eye” comment.

“I know he didn't mean what is being implied there, but that kind of language on either side should be called out,” Mr. Johnson said. But he emphasized that “both sides” have “got to turn the temperature down in this country.” 

Mr. Biden did not directly respond to criticism of his language during two televised appearances since the shooting, but he flatly condemned the attack and called Mr. Trump to express relief that he was not more seriously hurt. 

The danger is if political violence becomes normalized, just another form of the endless partisan wars. A study published in May found that 11 percent of Americans said violence was sometimes or always justified to return Mr. Trump to the presidency, and 21 percent said it was justified to advance an important political objective. 

But Garen J. Wintemute, the director of the Violence Prevention Program at the University of California, Davis, and the lead author of the study, said it was important to remember that most Americans still rejected political violence. 

“It's the job of that majority to make their views known, over and over again, and as publicly as possible,” Dr. Wintemute said. “A climate of intolerance for violence reduces the chance that violence will occur. The question before us as a nation is, ‘Will violence become part of American politics?' Each of us as an individual needs to answer that question, ‘Not if I can help it.'”

Peter Baker is the chief White House correspondent for The Times.

My comment:

Only two kinds of violence are justified in politics: violence for either liberation or revolution. All other ones are wrong and out of justifications. [Mark Wain 07/14/2-24]






2024 年 7 月 14 日 


眾議院民主黨人彈劾特朗普先生,因為他在之前的集會上用煽動性語言煽動了國會大廈襲擊。這位前總統長期以來一直鼓勵暴力。他敦促支持者在集會上毆打抗議者,為一名共和黨議員毆打記者的行為歡呼,呼籲槍殺搶劫者和商店扒竊者,對佩洛西遭到的襲擊不以為然,並承諾赦免 1 月 6 日的暴徒。1 月 6 日,當他的一些支持者高呼“絞死邁克·彭斯!”時,特朗普告訴助手,也許副總統應該受到懲罰,因為他無視推翻 2020 年大選的努力。 


“拜登競選的核心前提是,唐納德·特朗普總統是一個獨裁的法西斯主義者,必須不惜一切代價阻止他,”俄亥俄州共和黨參議員、特朗普競選搭檔的領跑者 J.D. 萬斯在周六襲擊發生兩小時後在社交媒體上寫道。“這種言論直接導致了特朗普總統的暗殺企圖。” 



一些共和黨領導人採取了更為慎重的態度。眾議院議長邁克·約翰遜在 NBC 的“今日”節目中表示,特朗普先生“受到了媒體、好萊塢精英、政治人物甚至司法系統的嚴重誹謗和迫害”,並引用了拜登先生的“靶心”評論。 



危險在於,如果政治暴力成為常態,那只是無休止的黨派戰爭的另一種形式。5 月份發表的一項研究發現,11% 的美國人表示,為了讓特朗普重返總統寶座,暴力有時或總是合理的,21% 的人表示,為了推進一項重要的政治目標,暴力是合理的。 

但加州大學戴維斯分校暴力預防項目主任、這項研究的主要作者 Garen J. Wintemute 表示,重要的是要記住,大多數美國人仍然拒絕政治暴力。 




在政治上,只有兩種暴力是正當的:為解放或革命而施行的暴力。所有其他暴力都是錯誤的,沒有正當理由的。[馬克·韋恩 07/14/2-24]

  紐約時報 Fake news 的謊言垃圾,就不要到處轉了。  /無內容 - a自由人 07/14/24 (5)
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