如果賀大嘴這樣說辯論是贏了 |
送交者: karkar 2024年08月03日12:41:35 於 [天下論壇] 發送悄悄話 |
賀大嘴與唐老鴨這不是準備公開辯論了嗎。如果是黑海莉(Haley)與賀大嘴比,俺理所當然支持黑海莉。可惜現在只能在賀與唐兩個爛蘋果裡面選一個,俺也只能捏着鼻子給賀大嘴支一招了。 賀在辯論的時候千萬不要與唐老鴨纏鬥,唐老鴨最擅長的就是死纏爛打。賀要把共和黨中的建制派和中間選民當成自己辯論的對象,看着台下的觀眾說:“Where are you, Mr. Ron DeSantis? Can you tell me what the meaning of Ron Sanctimonious is ? Where are you, Mrs. Nikki Haley ? Can you tell me where your birthplace is ? And what is the meaning of birdbrain?” “Where are my dear and honest Republicans? Do you believe the election result of Venezuela. No, it is rigged by its present president Maduro. Who is US president in 2020. Yes, it was Mr. Trump, this is the difference between US and Venezuela !” 如果賀大嘴說出上面的話辯論就贏了。 |
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