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A Beijing Beauty
送交者: renqiulan 2024年09月19日17:44:08 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话

With delicate features and a cold, aloof demeanor, she embodied a kind of modern royalty in the Beijing social circles. People loved to speculate about her—why she never smiled, why she kept her distance. To most, she was a mystery, and that only added to her allure. 

"She looks to kill," her admirers whispered. But she knew better—she must stay alert, or she would be the one killed.


In the glitzy world of the elite, she navigated the endless stream of high-society parties with ease. One evening, there was a little gala in honor of an influential figure from the CC Party, offering the well-connected a chance to secure their next deal, their next favor. While others clung to flattery and flirtation, she remained unfazed, calculating, always aware of her surroundings. Her cool look had a rising Zhongnanhai star figuratively crawling toward her. Soon enough, an affair was in the offing...

The Tesla hummed quietly as she drove home just before dawn. The dark glass kept the world out. She smiled as she was finally alone—or was she? Another Tesla followed, shadowing her when the first light of day crept in.

Written & illustrated by renqiula


作者:覅覅 回帖时间:2024-09-19 17:46:48

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