New York In Autumn Rain 天涯秋雨 |
送交者: renqiulan 2024年09月24日16:46:54 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话 |
Heavy September showers in New York? As the rain falls, I can feel the city's heart pounding beneath my feet. It beats a bit too quickly for my liking, a frenetic rhythm that matches the relentless downpour. Each droplet is a testament to nature's beauty, a reminder that even in the midst of urban chaos, there is a serene harmony to be found. Let the rain wash over me, cleansing away the grime of the city and leaving me refreshed and renewed. Drenched strangers pass each other by, their lives intersecting for a fleeting moment before parting ways. Each is a traveler on his/her own journey, determined to remain aloof. But I prefer not to be just another face in the crowd. I crave connection, a sense of camaraderie that transcends the barriers of language and culture. Imagine a city filled with smiling faces, where strangers become friends, the familiar and unfamiliar blending seamlessly. Can you feel it? A sense of unity fills the air, a warmth that radiates from every corner. No, I'm not dreaming. I'm living. Call me a New Yorker, embracing the rain one day and basking in the sunshine the next. Rain or shine, I stride through the city with a spring in my step. 纽约的雨,纽约的秋,不愁煞人,又不得不愁煞人。纽约人太冷,秋雨算是什么?纽约人也太热,秋雨来得有点凄凉,不过又凄美。每个纽约人都是行客、过客,都怀着旅思、征梦。不想相识对方,又禁不住要跟对方相识。在陌生的人海里,浮沉在熟识的天涯。天涯最浓的是秋意,最恼的是秋雨,却都被天涯人、纽约客欣然、默然地接受下来。秋雨中的纽约,何处不是天涯? 图文:纫秋兰 |
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