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Why Harris lost?
送交者: 七郎 2024年11月05日22:33:17 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话

It's the economy, stupid!

historically, no incumbent has ever won a presidential election when a majority of voters think they are doing worse financially than 4 years ago.

If you go to a grocery, and I believe almost all of us do on a regular basis, you will have no trouble noticing the skyrocketing prices. It feels like 50% up! (officially food price is up 20+% over the last 3 years.)

The same goes with housing costs, esp rent. Sadly, the most negatively impacted folks are the very blacks and Hispanics. How do you expect they would turn out for the Democrats?!


作者:a自由人 回帖时间:2024-11-05 22:48:56

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